
Improve the Move: Burn Belly Fat With These 3 Moves

Burn Belly Fat

When it comes to making the most of your ab exercises, the key is to multitask during the move. So while 100 basic crunches and planks are good, by adding more muscle groups to the mix you will burn more calories, burn belly fat, and cut your workout time in half. Ready to improve the move?

As people get older, it’s common to see an increase of belly fat build up along the waistline. This is usually because muscle mass decreases with age as fat increases. 

When most people adjust their workouts for weight loss, they immediately prioritize exercises to lose belly fat. And contrary to popular belief, hundreds of daily stomach-firing crunches—or in technical terms, spot reduction workouts—won’t get you to your six-pack goal any faster than a well-rounded regimen will.

So, with that in mind, here are the 3 best exercises to lose belly fat, according to personal trainers.

1- Chest Fly with Inner Thigh Crunch.

Take feet and put them over hips. Legs should be in the letter v. Put arms directly over chest. Open and close legs and arms using 5 lb handweights. When close, crunch. Do 20-30 reps and 3 sets. Make sure to keep great alignment!

2- Side Plank.

Stack feet. Stack shoulders directly over wrist and other arm to the sky. Engage abdominals and lift and lower flexed foot towards outer thigh. Do 20-30 reps and 3 sets. Make sure to repeat on other side.

3- Upper Back.

Position self in middle plank. Engage abdominals. Keep hips low and parallel to the floor. Lift and lower arms using 5 lb handweights. If you want to multitask, lift and lower arm and opposite foot! Do 10-15 reps.

Who knows?! You might trick yourself into working muscles you might otherwise neglect by pairing them with something you actually focus on like the belly. Get hardcore abs and a hot body by improving the move. .

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