
Control the Screen Brightness of Your Phone


Want to know the effect of your phone screen brightness on your eyes? You must control the screen brightness of your phone to enjoy healthy vision throughout your life.

What Level Of Screen Brightness good for your Eyes?

Want to know what is safest level of your phone’s screen brightness? It’s better in the middle. A perfect balance between high and low brightness! You can need to turn it all the way up in a bright environment. Whereas in between the 25% range, it can work for a dark environment.

What is blue light?

The lower intensity blue light coming from smartphones can kill your retinal cells of eyes. A group of Korean researchers have claimed that these short wavelength blue light produced by low intensity screens can prove dangerous to human eye cells. Also, the researchers believe that their study may advance progress of glasses that are less harmful to human eyes.

Preliminarily, scientists have discovered that blue light, specifically at shorter wavelengths, can impair cells in the retina. Retina is the light-sensitive layer of tissue that lines within your eyes. Blue light can produce reactive oxygen class, like as superoxide radicals, in the cells of retina.

This can result in cell death. Still, former study has concentrated on high intensity light, similar as that from light emitting diode illuminants.

Read: Cell Phones; Addiction Of This Generation!

Can blue Light Damage Your Vision?

In short, yes! Staring at bright lights can damage your seeing power. The retina’s light- sensing cells may become over-stimulated from looking at a bright light. As a result, they release massive quantities of signaling chemicals, injuring the eye.

The sun shines with similar intensity that gazing directly at it for just a many seconds can bring about everlasting retinal damage. Habitual exposure to UV light over numerous weeks, months or times can also harm the cornea, macula, and lens. A damaged macula leads to macular degeneration. A sunburned cornea can induce vague vision and loss of sight. A damaged lens may develop a clouding of the lens that blurs vision or cataract.

Blue light, indeed at moderate intensity situations, can damage your retinas over time. Blue light has shorter wavelengths than warmer light, so it has additional energy. Prolonged exposure may increase the threat of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Sun is the most striking source of blue light. Different other examples are LEDs, fluorescent lights, TVs, computer LED, and smartphone screens.

What is the Effect of blue light on retinal cells?

Our lives, now, usually spent gazing at phones and laptops. Jong Soon Kang from the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Young Pyo Jang from Kyung Hee University and their squad have now discovered the effect of low intensity blue light on retinal cells. They set up that short wavelength of blue light doubles the death rate of retinal cells. As compared to the cells kept in the dark, retinal cells damage is quite low.

The experimenters added N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine, a patch that reacts with light to produce radicals, to human retinal cells. They, then, exposed them to different wavelengths of low intensity blue light utilizing liquid glassware.

Organic light emitting diode can display the size of a smartphone. 24 hours of exposure to the shortest wavelength blue light (449nm) caused the largest increase in ROS product.

This is nearly doubly- as important as in a control group that was kept in the dark.

Why it is important to Control the Screen Brightness of Your Phone?

White light with a blue wavelength peak at 449nm, putting on real- life conditions, can increase cell death. Not only this, but it can also double the quantum of cell death than in the dark control group.

‘The study suggests it’s prudent to acclimate screen brilliance to be no brighter than demanded to do the work or enjoy the entertainment,’ says Joshua Dunaief who researched at the University of Pennsylvania, US, about aging of the retina.

Is too much exposure to blue light unhealthy?

Continued exposure to blue light over time can blemish retinal cells. It may lead to vision problems similar as age- related macular degeneration. It can also contribute to cataracts, eye cancer and growths on the clear covering over the white part of the eye.

According to a study funded by the National Eye Institute, children are more vulnerable than adults to damage their eyes because of screen brightness. Children eyes, as compared to adults, take up much more blue light from digital gadgets.

Children must not expose their eyes to full brightness of phone.
Child using phone close to eyes

You must not expose your eyes to full brightness of phone before going to bed. It can disturb your sleep patterns which affects directly your body production of melatonin.

The iris functions as your eye’s main protection against the bright light. This is the multicolored part of your eye responsible for reducing and enlarging the size of your pupil. It shields the retina when violent light beams reach your eye. The iris responds by constricting the pupil, therefore helping it reuse the incoming image better.

The contradiction occurs in low glare when the iris dilates the pupil to allow as much light in as feasible.

How you can Protect your eye from screen Light?

Control the Screen Brightness of Your Phone to protect your vision. With a few tips, you can do this. Follow the steps below so you can minimize the effects the screen rays.

Wearing eyeglasses that have anti-reflective lenses can reduce light from bright lights. Dark-tinted sunglasses and a swarmed headpiece in outdoors can reflect harmful rays of Sun.

Polarized sunglasses with UV shield further protect your eyes from the consequences of blue light and ultraviolet beams. You need to step-down from day-to-day screen time. Taking frequent breaks while using phone can rest your eyes.

Do not forget to turn on your computer’s “night light” quality. This will drop the volume of blue light the screen emits.

Wear blue- blocking computer eyeglasses with yellow-tinted lenses that facilitate digital eyestrain. Prefer CFLs and LEDs that have an ability to emit “warm” light.

If you have undergone cataract surgery, you can go for blue-blocking intraocular lens (IOL) implants which may cover your retinas the same way sunglasses do.

Read: What Smartphone knows about you?

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