
Collagen In Face- 8 Ways to Boost Collagen Formation


Healthy levels of collagen cause a strong and youthful appearance. You can boost collagen with the help of some great natural and non-invasive ways, but there are also several untruth facts surrounding it. You may want to know some good ways to boost collagen on face before considering any sort of collagen treatment to your personal routine.

What is collagen?

Collagen, the most common and strongest protein present in the body, makes up approximately 75% of the weight of your skin and around 30% of your total body protein mass. It is formed by the cross-linking and winding together of amino acids for the formation of collagen fibers. Collagen made up of long fibers of protein, with respect to structure, which provides toughness to the skin and holds strength together. It keeps the skin moist and helps cells repair and renew.

Typically, human body consists of at least 16 primary variations of collagen, present in the connective tissue, bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, teeth, the valves of the heart and even the cornea of your eyes. Although collagen is present in a solid good quantity in your skin, especially when you are young, but the supply may decreases as a result of aging, thus, it begins to appear thinner and more wrinkled.

If there is something, you can assume production of collagen relies on that is vitamin C. Without vitamin C, your body can’t produce, store or supply collagen and it’s important to hold cells together during the formation of collagen.

What does collagen do?

You can get a glowing skin by stimulating the collagen growth which causes a domino effect. This is considered as the most mandatory function of collagen. The more collagen you have, the more your skin will be able to induce and maintain strengths and glowing effects.

Another kind of protein in your body, elastin has the ability to bounce back into the place and sustain its original shape. Elastin and collagen are both proteins essential for your skin. They often function together to provide skin its beautiful texture and shape. If your skin has healthy levels of both collagen and elastin, it isn’t just more glowing but it’s stronger.

Ways to boost collagen in your face

Studies explain that application of collagen topically on your skin may not be helpful in maintaining fresh or youthful-looking skin. This is because collagen contains large protein molecules, so it cannot penetrate the skin making it more difficult to penetrate into the inside layers of the skin. While, it may assist you maintaining hydration levels.

There are several smart ways to boost collagen through diet and supplementation. Use products containing vitamins and antioxidants that can improve collagen supplies and stimulate elastin.

1. Hyaluronic Acid

This is an anti-aging ingredient also important for collagen production in the skin. Dermatologists often recommend hyaluronic acid when you get skin rashes or an infection, as it speeds up recovery time and relieves pain.

Hyaluronic acid is found in the body naturally, but it can degrade or diminish as you age. Important point to note is that without appropriate levels of vitamin C, your body will not be able to gain the benefit of foods containing hyaluronic acid. You can take hyaluronic supplements available in the market to restore collagen levels.

2. Don’t smoke

Quit smoking right now. This is one of the best things you can do to enjoy a fresh look. And if you don’t smoke? Don’t start! Smoking inhibits the production of collagen causing skin ageing. It may limit the the blood supply to your face making the skin more sensitive to UV light and causing the facial skin to generate excess free radicals. Therefore, oxidative stress causes less collagen formation and degradation of already present collagen.

Smoking can deprive your skin of the essential oxygen and nutrients, leaving the skin vulnerable to harmful pollutants. It also deteriorates collagen via the immune system damaging fibers of collagen and elastin. So your skin may become flabby and loose.

3. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are involved applying a certain chemical agent to your skin for the purpose of thickened skin surface while triggering collagen production. This, ultimately, strengthens the skin. Application of the chemical peels on a daily basis (almost every 6-8 weeks) will cause collagen formation or improving collage levels that facilitates the appearance of wrinkles.

4. Vitamin C

Eat foods rich in vitamin C to increase the level of hyaluronic acid and collagen in your skin. Such foods may include papaya, strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli and green, leafy vegetables such as cilantro.

It plays an important role in protecting the skin, which is why skin care companies add vitamin C to their protective creams for collagen restoration. Vitamin C (in the form of both creams and foods) not only helps your skin to hold collagen, but also promotes healthy skin, hair and nails. Your body cannot boost collagen in the face without vitamin C, and thus skin elasticity and glowing look will be compromised.

5. Aloe vera gel

We all know that aloe vera stimulates the healthy cells to grow. It has soothing and calming properties when applied topically on the skin. Plus, if you take extracted aloe sterols as a supplement, it will double the formation of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Aloe Vera also reduces facial wrinkles formation on your skin significantly. 

6. Algae                                                                          

Do you know that marine plants are now becoming more and more popular as part of beauty routines? Since, most skin damage is caused by the direct or indirect exposure of your skin to elements like pollution, also called as oxidation; it can damage cell growth of your face. Ingredients found in algae are able to prevent oxidation making your skin hold its elasticity and collagen. Algae are available in in the form of oral supplements.

7. Omega Fatty Acids

Ever tried a diet rich in protein, primarily in the form of fatty fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids? You can protect the collagen in your skin with the help of a balanced containing omega fatty acids, vitamin A, and antioxidants. Vitamin A has an anti-inflammatory effect, while antioxidants and omega fatty acids scratch around free radicals and avoid loss or degradation of collagen.

8. Limit Or Remove The Caffeine From Diet

Doctors suggest not adding caffeine in your diet while you are experiencing collagen reduction. Caffeine may have an adverse effect on wound recovery process and skin aging of your human skin.

Micronutrients And Lifestyle Changes To Boost Collagen Formation

There are several changes to stimulate collagen formation. They may include:

Anthocyanins –present in blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and cherries.

Proline – present in egg whites, cheese, soy, cabbage, and meat.

Vitamin A – present in plants like beta-carotene and animal-derived foods.

Copper – present in shellfish, red meat, nuts and some drinking water.

Red light laser therapy –can trigger and increase the production of collagen and elastin in your face skin. It’s a non-invasive and safe low-level (LLLT) laser to improve skin elasticity and wrinkles.

A regular exercise regime – can keep your skin, bones, muscles, and joints healthier for longer and reduce the visible aging process while protecting collagen levels.

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