
5 Signs Your Man Is Faithful To You


Let’s come across it ladies, being with a man is an awesome thing!

Every girl lives in her own fairy tale kind of life- enjoying a relationship with a man she can spend her entire life with. So you may also prefer tall guys, or may prefer short. Additionally, you may love a funny spouse or just someone with whom you can share your deepest darkest side. No matter what type of personality traits you prefer, what remains an essential feeling for you will definitely be ‘loyalty’ and yes, there can no two opinions about this!

Being in a healthy relationship with a man who is faithful and loyal to you is one of the most amazing feelings you can ever feel out of a relationship. These two traits; faithfulness and loyalty are truly two non-negotiables when it comes to love. It’s hard to get a faithful man. You may like talking a good game, making it look as if you’re committed, whereas in reality, your eyes are always looking for the next good thing. But there are a few signs that are tough to consistently pretend—in this article I’m going to discuss a few traits that only the most faithful men own.

But how would you actually know if your guy is faithful with you? You can check it out with the help of basic traits. Off course, nagging and constantly accusing would not work. So, let faith manipulating signs guide you to check if your guy is loyal or not.

What is the most important part of a relationship? Isn’t that trust?  Without trust, you would never feel accountability of anything, let alone become easy enough to start opening up and living your life. But, while, we can never truly guess what’s actually going on in a person’s mind (and heart sure), their actions inescapably give them away.

So if you want to make yourself assure of your guy’s loyalty, search for the following signs in him:

1. He always Listens to You

Have you ever been noticed while talking to your man, that his eyes look a million miles away, or that he’s constantly using his phone as you speak? Does he listen appropriately, nodding an understanding of what you’ve just said?

If not, that’s not a healthy sign; he must want to check out of this relationship. If he is faithful, he will always listen to you because he’s investing his emotional energy in you, and only you.

Look for signs of active response to figure out if he is faithful to you or not. Respectful listening and active response takes a lot of work, and so only that man who is altogether loyal to you will be able to do this day after day.

2. He has nothing to hide

Do you know where your man keeps his secret diaries? Does he not hide his contacts list from you? Good! Your man is faithful to you!

He doesn’t keep a password on his phone and he can leave his phone with you without giving a second thought for any reason at all. And at any time, you need to look at some media from his Facebook or Instagram account, he does not wait for a single second before taking you over his password.

Now, there is no need to be a psycho stalker to come up with these opportunities to go through all of his personal space, but yeah, it feels good to know that even you did this; he wouldn’t have certain things to hide from you.

3. He talks about the finances honestly

It may not seem the most intimate thing in the world, but finance management is one of those things that can indicate honest power of any relationship. Is your man completely transparent about his spending, including every extravagant expense? Or does he contain different spending habits, interests, and things to do with his money? Don’t be an extra checker to see on the credit card bills, but if your guy talks about his finances honestly, he’s loyal with you.

Even though your pretty relationship shouldn’t revolve around money, but the way you and your lover handles money can be a perfect indicator of how faithful the relationship is. This is something only a faithful man who is deeply in love with you can do!

4. He doesn’t have sex, he makes love 

Is Intimacy for your man isn’t just 20 minutes under the sheets? If it’s nothing like that, your man is quite loyal with you. He just never looks forward everything to an hour in the bed or even when he does; it’s always accompanied by even more intimacy and affection. An hour of love is mostly followed up by a whole night of cuddles and long conversations.

A faithful man never sees sex simply as sex. That means so much more for him. It is sharing your body and your soul at the same time. When he wants to love you in a soft and gentle manner, he is trying to make you feel special when you are in his arms.

5. He involves you in all aspects of his life

A man who isn’t afraid to share every part of his life with you and discuss everything with you will always be loyal to you. If he loves you, he will find it easy to involve you in every aspect of his life. Not because he sees it as something necessary but because it comes naturally.

When you run into your man, while not being meeting in a while, you will be the first person he wants to share his time with. When he wins that mini project even that may not be special to anyone else, you will be the first person he wants to tell. This is just something that will come naturally. It exits in every faithful relationship. If you start feeling like, you are being absent in the important aspects of your man’s life. Then, you should talk to him about it as it could mean you are surviving this relationship alone. 

“The truth is, we will never create a really strong, secure connection if we do not allow our lovers to know us fully or if our lovers are unwilling to know us… We want and need our lovers to respond to our hurt. But they can’t do that if we don’t show it. To love well requires courage – and trust.”

Dr. Sue Johnson

Do you see these signs in your relationship? The signs of a faithful and intimate relationship. Search for them in your romantic relationship. If these traits are present in your man, then you are in a loyal, romantic relationship. If these don’t exist, then you might want to rekindle your romantic relationship.

Gorgeous ladies! Tell me have you find him, the man I’m discussing in my article. Let’s chat about it! Discuss with me in the comments below what are your thoughts about this kind of faithful man!

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