
Sketch Your Life, Every Night.

Sketch your life every night.

In the era of untiring competition and confusion, it is possible to reprogram your mind before going to bed. Did you know you can reprogram your mind for success and happiness and completely change your condition before you go to bed every single night?

Power Of Night Routine.

While most people know the power of the morning routine. There is something just as powerful and that is an evening routine that you can implement every night before you go to sleep. There are five simple strategies that have been proven to reprogram your subconscious mind over time so you can become the person that you wish to become.

Manifest your desires with this night routine.

when you drift off to be to sleep there is a part of your brain that turned off. This is known as your conscious mind, but while you go off to sleep there is a part of your brain that is still operating. In fact, it operates non-stop. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a week. This is known as your subconscious mind. The scientist has shown that your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% to 99% of everything that you do every single day.

Almost everything choice you make every day is made not by your conscious mind, but by your subconscious programming. It’s also 100 times more powerful than the conscious mind and is a lot more difficult to change as it is a Habit mind.

Here are the 5 ways to get started.

Plan Your Next Day At Night.


Before you go to bed, plan your tomorrow. Set your intention for how you want to play out tomorrow from start to finish. What time you will get up? the most important tasks that you need to do? Because if you want a great morning routine, it actually starts the night before,

If you want to win the day, you have to win the morning but in reality, to win the morning you first have to win everything. So spend a few moments looking at your day planning out the biggest things that you need to accomplish to help you reach your goals and dreams

Review your goals.

Best time to review your goals; night.
Best time to review your goals; night.

Review your goals every single night. The subconscious works through repetition and if you want to reprogram your mind for success, you have to do it over and over again. Just think about when you learned how to drive a car or to first walk. You did it through repetition.

Repeat The Process, Every Night.

Now the same goes for your goals and dreams. You can’t set a goal, read it once and expect it to happen. You need to set your mind up for success by constantly reviewing your goals, whether you choose to write them down in a journal or look at a vision board and visualize the goals happening or simply reading them out loud.

Remember, the subconscious learns through repetition. By doing this every single night when the subconscious is highly active, you will be implanting the ideas and goals that you need. Because as you go to sleep your subconscious will actually help you achieve your goals and find the solutions for you

Practice Gratitude.

This does not need to be a lengthy exercise. High-performance author Jack Canfield talks about the importance of gratitude before going to bed, whether it’s simply sending an email to a friend or family members, sending a text message to someone, or to even state gratitude out loud for your health, your well being, or to your spouse or anyone else that you live with.

By practicing gratitude, you are programming your mind to think in abundance and not scarcity. You will be programming your mind to be thinking about the opportunities and being grateful for everything you have. By practicing gratitude on a daily basis, especially before you sleep every single night, you are setting yourself up for success.

Interrogate Your Subconscious And Mind The Answers.

Never go to sleep without the request of your subconscious mind

Thomas Edison

He recommends this because as you sleep, your subconscious is wide awake. So instead of going to bed worrying and thinking about the bills that you need to pay. And how you might have screwed something up at work or how your life is not going how you wanted. Instead, think about what you need to do for your life to change. Is it to make more money, is to start that business or is it to go after your passion project?

Replay The Last Night.

Whatever it is, think about it and then ask your subconscious by speaking out loud how you can figure out this problem. Think back to the last time you went to bed with a question and woke up in the middle of the night with an answer or as soon as you woke up you were in the shower, the idea came to you. This is evidence of your subconscious mind working 24/7. So, instead of drifting off and going to bed, worrying about tomorrow, thinking about a job interview, about the bills that are due and how hard your life poses your subconscious a question.

The most efficient way to live reasonably is every morning to make a plan of one's day and every night to examine the result obtained.
The most efficient way to live reasonably is every morning to make a plan of one’s day and every night to examine the result obtained.

Ask it out loud. Find someone who will really help you move your life forward and ask a question about that. It could be your health, career, business, relationship. Address your subconscious loud before you go to sleep and then drift off. Don’t try and figure out the answer. Again, your subconscious is 100 times powerful than your conscious mind.

As you drift off, it will get to work. Again, if it doesn’t work the first time, give it some more nights. Keep doing it through repetition and eventually, the answer will find you.

Hypno Therapy.

Hypno Therapy.
Hypno Therapy.

The subconscious mind operates out of programs and if you want to change the programs, you have to speak in the language that the subconscious speaks and that is done through hypnotherapy. By taking your brainwaves down to childlike super-learning of theta brainwaves, you are actually changing the tapes that run the program of your subconscious mind. Now you can go to formal hypnotherapy for this and see someone that is certified and has helped others, or you can even find audio online and drift off to sleep, listening to what you want to create. Again, doing this with repetition will help you change the programs so that 95 to 99% of your day is operating from the programs of your goals and dreams


You can finally create the life and business and reach your biggest goals and dreams. But remember it won’t happen overnight. Success is not overnight. It’s up to you to put in the work on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis to make these dreams come to life.

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