Selfies are a type of fun and enjoyment for people. It is also harmful for them and badly effects health of humans. People use selfie as a way to express feeling by documenting them. Selfie show relationship in different things with humans like pets and their owners and between nature and humans. People take different type of selfies like private selfies; selfies have joke and funny expression, selfie captured in public places and sexy selfies. This is a part of human nature to get appreciation and recognition from others. People have strong urges to capture selfies and post them on social media sited. Selfie posting fulfill their need of to be appreciated and recognized.
Selfies and Related Problems
As we discussed in previous article people are become so obsessed to taking selfies and capturing selfies all the time. People do not even concern with ethics of photography because they take selfies at accident places, at death and funerals and at natural disaster like earthquake. People are fighting with different obsessions to look good and attractive in their selfies that lead them toward disorders such as body dysmorphia, anorexia and enhancement of plastic surgery of body and face to get perfect body.
Selfies also lead people to death when they take selfies at dangerous places to make them excited and attractive. Media reported that 159 people died due to taking selfies at risky places in2017. People have lack of self-awareness that makes them suffer from different traumas and injuries. The over use of smartphones for the purpose of selfie taking and posting on social media sites are associated with different dark sides of personality like psychopathology and narcissism.
Read more: A selfie a day keeps insecurities away
Causes and Triggers
Selfie become a trend and get so much popularity in the world therefore, it is important to focus on the causes that lead people toward selfie addiction and find out the main desires and needs that triggers people to take so much selfies. People have no idea that their personalities are changed and affected due to take selfies at extreme level. There are so many problems that are associated to selfie phenomenon and gives insight to people about selfie phenomenon and its effect on them. This article discusses the main reason of people to take so much selfies that give them positive insight about their problematic behavior and help them who to cope up with this type of addiction.
Causes of Selfie Addiction
The causes are defining as a person or a thing that give rise to a particular phenomenon, condition and action. Causes are the motives aims under which people committed any particular task and action. To find out the cause of selfie addiction it is important to find out why people take selfies. Why do you prefer to take selfies? And what motivates you to take more selfies? These are the questions that may asked to get the perception of people about their selfie taking behavior and to find out the main reasons behind their selfie taking behavior.
To Create Memories
People take selfies so much to capture their great time and enjoyable moments. When people have any good event in their lives they want to enjoy it again and again. Through selfie people save, their events in document form and repeatedly enjoy it by see their selfies. The main purpose to take so much selfies is to create memories and documenting special moments of life. People take so much selfies to collect memories. Every individual have their own reason of creating memories and they use selfies as a good way to save their precious moments of life. People involved so much in selfie taking behavior unconsciously when they want to save their memories. It leads them toward dark side of selfies that is selfie addiction.
Selfies as Source of Happiness
People involve in dramatic selfie taking behavior because selfies give them happiness. When people look themself into the camera and their looks give them self-satisfaction and they become happy. Most of the people take so much selfies because it gives them happiness. People take so much selfies and become addicted because it gives then positive sensations and happiness. When people look themselves in camera, crate different body gestures and facial expressions and love themselves and their looks it make them happy and lead them toward selfie addiction
People take selfies to monitor their dressings, looks and appearance. People take selfies because it is a good way to get in touch with their appearance, body image and looks. Through selfies, people see their body image love themselves and respect their bodies. People also take selfies to see their right angle of face and through selfies, people have insight what features of their face is pretty. They take selfies and all the time put their mobile phones in front of their faces to see how they look, judge their dressing and appearance. People also change their dressing sense, change their hairstyle, and appearance according to their selfies. They also take selfies so there is no need to see into mirror, which leads them toward extreme selfie taking behavior.
Convenient to Take
Selfie is a thing that people can easily take at anytime and anywhere. This benefit of selfies leads them toward taking so much selfies. People highly involve in selfie taking behavior and take selfies everywhere because they can easily take their own photograph. People take selfies most of the time because they easily take selfies.
People take selfies because their good looks give them self-satisfaction. There is so many factors related to selfies and individual’s self-satisfaction. Such as when people take selfies and post them on social media and get likes it make them satisfy and feel good about themselves. Mobile phone companies introduce front cameras to get profit and more sale of their product. As well as the effect of these cameras are so good that lead people to take more selfies because it gives them self-satisfaction and they become addict of selfies.
People take selfies to put them on their statuses and get likes and comments that fulfill their need of appreciation and give them self-satisfaction. Smartphones and social media networks have strong impact on selfie taking tendencies. People put their selfies on social media to get likes and make them satisfy. People are so busy in taking and posting selfies on social media sites and then wait for response given by other peoples and friends. The chain of posting pictures and reactions on them led people toward a complex disorder such as selfie addiction.
Triggers of Selfie Addiction
Triggers are strong emotions that associated with particular condition, phenomenon and action that provoke people to do that particular act again and again. To find out the triggers of selfie addiction that main thing that asked from people are what king of emotion and thought motivates them to take selfies again and again.
Narcissistic Tendency
People take selfies because they look beautiful in the camera and in their selfies. They try different hairstyles, different poses, make different facial expressions and body gesture to look good in selfies and their good looks provoke them to take so much selfies. People take selfies in morning because they look good and beautiful. They also claim that they take selfies when they look good that show their self-love and development of narcissism.
Selfies and narcissism is not a myth. People take selfies because they love themselves and their looks make them to take more selfies. When they get like and comments from others it boost their self-esteem at high level that lead them toward narcissism. People said, they look cute that is why they take selfies. People claim that the main motivation behind their selfie taking behavior is their good looks and beauty. Most of the people take selfies at that time when they look good and love their image in camera. The narcissism trait present in their personalities that leads them toward selfie addiction.
To Seek Connection
In the long distance relationships when people do not live with their loved ones and their families, they use selfies as a medium of connection. Through selfies people show their presence in the life of their families. People take so much selfies because they want to share them with friend and family to keep themselves in the mind of others and they do not forget them. They take so much selfies to get connection with others. People also report that they live at long distance to their families so selfies is a good way to communicate them and show them their current life style.
Self-presentation and self-promotion are one of the main reasons to take selfies. People need to show their identities to others and get objectivity and representation of them-selves in front of others. Selfie culture is a culture in which people have strong urges to represent and get objectification of their selfies. The need of representation and objectification of this culture lead people toward extreme selfie taking behaviors and they become addict. People take selfies to show where they have been and what are they doing. Selfies also help introvert people to express themselves in front of others.
Social media sites give people to interact with sociality and through selfies people express their self in front of others. People take selfies for promotion of their self, get attention and love. Selfie taking and posting make them self an active person on social media. People express their positive image through selfies and also express their belongings with their societies and their communities. The need of their self-presentation and show their activities lead them toward problematic selfie related behavior. Some people take selfie to show their current life style to their friends, family and close relatives. To present ourselves and get social interaction is a need of every human. People fulfill their need to be known through selfies.
Boost Confidence
People take selfies because their good looks increase their confidence. People share their selfies on social media and get likes and appreciation from others it gives them booster of confidence. When people take selfies and see their good looks, it modifies their mood and boots their confidence. People take selfies to boost self-confidence and selfies also help introvert people to express themselves in front of others.
People mostly like to take selfies in the morning. They look good and beautiful that boosts their confidence for whole day and makes their day good one. It is also a reason to take more selfies and different type of selfies. When other people like their photos it give a mini booster to confidence. The reaction on their posts also give insight that how people see them and how they look. Good looks and appreciation from others boots confidence of people that lead them to take more selfies.
Mood Modification
Selfie is a thing that gives happiness and people enjoy taking selfies. People make different poses and different styles of face and enjoy the craziness of them. Some people also take selfies to send them on social media because they want some fun and modify their mood. People also use selfies to modify their dress style, their fashion sense and also modify their looks. They trying to wear dress according to how they look in their selfies. People also get hair styles and women wear makeup according to their selfies. They also start modifying their style and way of wearing cloths according to their selfies. Women use more makeup products and modify their looks to look good in selfies.
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