In the past few years, capturing selfies has become a global phenomenon. It is entertaining and attracts the young mind. Now a day, we all have seen different people capturing selfies in different places. Such as, parks, metro stations, shopping malls, zoo, and specials places like, Minar e Pakistan. People also taking selfies while eating, after taking shower and at funeral, which is weird. We are also among those people. Selfie addiction includes both selfie taking and posting them on social media sites. This is due to easy excess to mobile phones, cameras and over use of internet that provoke young people to take more selfies.
So, what compels people to take their own pictures? Does it imply any importance? On the other hand, they do because it became a trend and inherited from society. These questions were come to our mind when we see people taking selfies very often. Some people consider selfies as a good thing because they can make memories and save memorable events through selfies.
Definition of Selfie
Oxford dictionary (2013) defined this term as “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media”. On November 19, 2013, the oxford dictionaries publicized “Selfie” as word of the year
This is the definition of selfie that given by oxford dictionary. There are two important factors highlighted in this definition. These factors makes the selfie different from other traditional photographs. First is selfies is taken by front camera of smart phone or webcam. Second is distribution of these photos through social media. This is happen first time in history that a mirror allows people to see their reflection. People can also save the reflection of themselves in document form. And this is possible through front facing camera of smartphones that provoke people to take selfies very often.
History of Selfies
Selfies is different from other photographs in a way that they are hand-held digital photographs. Selfies either taken at arm’s length or reflected in a mirror. However, selfie is phenomenon of 21st century but in history, self-portrait and photographs were so common. Back to the 1839’s, “Robert Cornelius”, was produced a daguerreotype of himself. Which is also one of the first photographs of a person. He is American pioneer in photography. “In 1880, the photo booth was introduced, through which people take self-portrait same as selfies of today.
Before the rise of this selfie concept the thought of taking self-portraits was existed among people with using self-timers on the cameras. The idea behind the selfie meant to be different than using a self-timer. It should not take a longer snapping time process as self-timer. Most importantly, to be a selfie, photograph should capture at arm’s length or focused at a mirror.
The other version of the selfie is group selfie. In group selfies the subject of the selfie is joined or crowded or at least with one other person. It is also gaining wide popularity in the selfie culture. Now the tendency is call them as “groupies”, the ‘self’ replaced by a collective ‘group’. Anyway, the whole concept is; whatever you are doing, with whom you are with, wherever you are, taking a photo of yourself. The reason behind this is to express your activities and capture your moments in a document form. The word “selfie” first emerged in an online post from Australian internal forum on 13 September 2002. The common name used for the self-taken photograph in the early 2000s was ‘Myspace’.
Smartphones/ Social Media Site and Internet
Due to easy excess to smartphones and advent of social media site and internet, people take thousands of self-photographs. People also share their self-photographs to friends, family and social media fellows. When people involve into extreme selfies related behavior it leads them toward addiction. Griffiths was first person who published a paper on technological addiction in 1995. That makes increase interest into topics related to technological addiction. Technological addiction includes mobile phone addiction, internet addiction and video game addiction. Selfies now become a new candidate into technological addiction. There has been so much work on the phenomenology and sub-components of selfies addiction.
Oxford dictionary explain selfies as a self-portrait and a type of photo of oneself or one’s with others particularly. These self-portraits must captured by smart phone or digital camera held in hand and captured from arm’s length. People particularly shared these self-portraits on social media networks. Selfie taking behavior is not a one-way process it is link with selfie posting on social media networks. When people take selfies and send on social media, they controlled the way in which their photos shown to others. People also make their selfies more attractive by using different applications. In short, along with selfie sharing phenomenon, people change the dimension of their self-presentation.
Eleanor Beeden’s Study
Eleanor Beeden explains that the selfie is same as historical self-portrait. Only the medium of taking self-portrait is different and medium of sharing is advance and technology based. His study investigates the cultural value of selfie. He claims that people posed in their selfies is a way to display their crafted identity to others. Selfie is an artificial self-presentation of a person toward world and they have social worth. The selfie, which have celebrity content, become more popular and more appreciated by others.
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Senft and Baym’s Study
A research study conduct by Senft & Baym explains that what actually selfie is. According to their study selfie is type of photograph that is use for sending and receiving of people’s feeling. Selfies are also a type of body gesture that is use to send massages to different audiences, persons and communities.
Different Researches on Selfie Behavior
Researches examine selfie behavior in so many different areas. People conduct different researches on selfies in different context. Such as selfie and visual conversation, cultural values of selfies, selfie as an obsession, people’s perception about capturing selfies, selfie as an addiction, gender and age difference. So many researches also associate selfies with different personality traits like, self-presentation, narcissism, self-esteem.
Selfie Culture
Digital picture sharing culture is now “Selfie culture” and it became cause of spreading selfie fever in past few years. Adults, teenagers, and young people all contributing to this selfie culture. The human aspect about self and me increase after the electrifying entry of selfies. It bring about the ‘me-me generation’ or a ‘self-ish culture’. This generation is known as me generation and selfie. This culture includes all adolescents and youngsters. But their perception and attitude toward this culture is differing from generation to generation. Youngsters’ selfie culture offers reshaping of the moral culture.
Now world of selfie and its representation became integration or a conversation between sexuality, gender and media. Like all other cultures, there is huge cultural gap in selfie culture between young people, teenagers and adult also. Their interpretation and selfie taking behavior also change due to this cultural gap. In most recent couple of years, selfie accomplished glory among each age generation the most part among youngsters and teenagers. Selfie is use as self-objectification practice for promotion of self. Selfie culture is a drifting routine about finding the genuine of self. In any case, in this present situation, the fast development of this selfie phenomenon is bringing about mental disorders, accidents and so on.
Effect of Gender and Age on Selfie Addiction
According to one study of US, 98% people aged from 18 to 24 take selfies, 46% shared those on social media sites and 69% tended to share selfies 3 to 20 times per day. Selfies are more popular in college going adolescents and youngsters. Approximately 30% of total photos share on different social media sites are selfies and shared by adolescents. However, gender and age difference is also influence users‟ perceptions and attitude.
Age Difference in Selfie Addiction
Selfie taking and posting has become an important part of young adults and adolescents lives. Young people are more likely to take selfies in contrast to older people. During adulthood, selfie related behavior might help young people to fulfill their narcissistic needs. Young women aged from 18 to 29 are more likely to share their selfies on instagram to get positive feedback. If they do not get the expected feedback they deleted their shared photos.
Gender Difference in Selfie Addiction
Both genders utilize selfies for self-presentation and for identification of gender. Women are more likely to take selfies and post their selfies on social media sites to present themselves active part of social group and attractive. Selfie taking and posting behavior is obviously a gendered process. An online survey conducted by HTC, a smartphone manufacturer in 2013. According to this survey, 2000 people aged 18 to 30 concluded that 90% of their phone photographs were selfies.
Women in Selfie Addiction
Young women are inappropriately target on social media because of their prompting selfie posting behavior. Women take and posting selfies then men that are more personal in nature. College attending females with high self-esteem are more likely to take selfies. The women are more likely to take and post selfies then men. If we see the relationship between narcissism and selfie posting behavior in men is strong then women. In compare to men, only 13% women take selfies to jealous their current and previous partner jealous. Only 7% women share their selfies to make themselves desirable. Women share their selfies to record memories and show what they are doing with their friends.
Men in Selfie Addiction
Male gender are more provoke to share their selfies on social media sites and spend more time to filter their selfies and post filtered selfies to impress their peers. Men frequently filter their selfies before posting them on social media sites. It shows their psychopathic and narcissistic trait when men post filtered selfies on social media sites to shoe themselves more attractive. The most amazing fact is that men shared more selfies as compare to women. Approximately 30% of men share at least five selfies per week and average person shared 100 selfies per year. As compare to females, male contributes twice in selfie taking behavior. The main reason behind men’s selfie posting behavior is to attract and impress opposite sex. In survey group, 25% men share their selfies to make jealous previous and current partner. Only 10% share their selfies to show themselves as more desirable.
Showing Off in Both Genders
Both gender use selfies to showing off. Men show off their body on social media more than women do. Men like show their chest while women share their facial selfies. Only 12% women share their body selfies to show their breasts while 55% share their facial selfies. Women strike more extreme poses then men.
Increase in use of smartphones and social network sites lead a new addiction named selfie addiction and this addiction receive a new dimension called “selfitis”. There are different way to know the presence of selfie addiction among young adults and adolescents. The selfie addiction becomes a mental disorder and if people take three selfies per day they become addicted to selfies. People become addicted to selfies because they spend more time to taking perfect selfie and it make a significant impact of tendency of selfie taking. Some people take selfies as daily routine that also lead them toward selfie addiction. People’s self-esteem also plays an important part toward taking more selfies.
Selfie and Social Media
People put their selfies on social media to increase the volume of likes and comments and use photo-editing applications that give charm to photos, improve appearance, and make them likeable. When people post their selfies on social networks other appreciate their photos and it make people more addicted to selfies. People photo-shopping their selfies with celebrities to get social currency and also to become famous by sharing their selfies on facebook and instagram.
Selfie Addiction and Physical Complications
Taking selfies also lead toward physical complications such as low back pain, awkward posture of the body, frozen shoulder, cervical spondylitis, and tennis elbow etc. Another more common physical complication these days is “Selfie Elbow”. Dr. David claims that “two out of three people come to me with body dysmorphic disorder is due to compulsion to take selfies repeatedly.
Selfie Addiction and Mental Health
Psychiatrists are beginning to consider to taking selfies as a serious mental health problem. Clicking selfies starts with fun initially and time pass, and then gradually it becomes habit and after that, it become an addiction. The main consequences of selfie addiction includes poor performance at work field, peer pressure, unwanted stress, narcissism, low self-esteem, unhealthy family relations, conflicts etc. To take more selfies lead people toward mood disorder, obsessive thoughts, obsessive compulsive disorder.
Each month, a news article appears that argue, taking selfies is linking to very harmful mental situations such as psychosis, narcissism, or even body dysmorphia. Selfies blames, as they are cause harm to others, such as accidents caused by a preoccupation with the camera over one’s surroundings. Even likeable selfie enthusiasts are portrayed as vacuous and self-absorbed: Witness ABC’s recently cancelled sitcom Selfie, an updated Pygmalion story featuring an Instagram-obsessed woman named Liza who requires an analogue civilizing by a male co-worker named “wait for it” Henry. Some personality traits linked with people who are taking more selfies, like narcissism, social support, obsession, self-image, need of affiliation, hyperactivity, impulsivity and perfection and self-esteem
Selfie Addiction: A Disorder
American Psychiatric Association actually confirmed that taking selfies is a mental disorder, and name that disorder by using a term “selfitis”. In addition, APA categories this condition into three levels:
Borderline – if a person takes selfies three times per day but he/she do not compulsory send them on social media sites is categorized in borderline.
Acute – if a person takes selfies three times a day and posts all the selfies on social media networks is categorized in acute level.
Chronic – people have no control on their strong urge to put their smartphone screen at their faces and take selfies more than six times per day and they post all the pictures on social media sites to seek gratification.
Selfie Posting and Narcissism
Individual have narcissistic personality traits are more likely to click and post selfies on social media sites. “Narcissism is a character, which have grandiose self-presentation and it is motivate by the need to regulate the self-esteem”.
There has been so many researches conduct on the issue of narcissism and selfies posting behavior on social media sites especially among young adults. The taking selfies and posting them on social media sites has correlation with narcissism among young males. People who excessively share photographs and statuses with friends for the reason of self-promotion also linked with narcissism. Four features of Facebook profile that includes social network size, photo count, profile picture and status updates link with people’s narcissistic traits. Adolescents who choose their more physical attractive photos for their profile photos show their social network platform where they get self-promotion.
Narcissism: Unrealistic Positive View about Oneself
Narcissism also correlated with more self-created content including status update frequency and profile picture rating. People that score higher in narcissism, they post more photos on online network site. People remove their photos from internet when they do not get desired appreciation in the form of likes and good comments this could suggest that they have narcissistic trait in their personalities. Supposed that, the posting selfies online on social media sites appeal to narcissists because people have complete control on to create their profile photos, which display information about user of that particular site, like self-descriptions and self-portraits and these site allow use to choose what is shown on their profiles.
In this way, these social media sites allow uses to do self-promotion of themselves, which directly link to narcissistic trait of personality because that give admiration of oneself in selfies and vast number of superficial relationships. All these things, a typical narcissist want and it would make them drawn and they know that others are interested in their profiles.
Narcissism is unrealistic positive view about oneself and physical appearance of oneself and an excessive admiration. A person with narcissistic personality traits has no concern with other and they only concentrate on things that give benefits them. People with narcissistic personality have strong urge to self-regulate themselves and they use different strategies such as admiration and bragging. They use these strategies due to their inflated self-beliefs and they are not good in their interpersonal relationships and do not warm their relationship.
Narcissistic Personality Trait
Simply put, individual with narcissistic personality trait demands and thinks others acknowledge that they are smarter; better looking, special and important than others. They think they deserve to treat according to their special personality. Narcissism is not only high self-esteem but they are missing the piece about caring for others. Those people are lack of empathy and have very low interest to create caring, warm and interpersonal relationship.
Three Areas Related to Narcissism
There are three areas that give both a solid and logical foundation to hypothesize that selfie-posting behavior are associated with narcissism.
- First, the popularity and growth of social network sites has facilitated the rise in sharing personal information, images and self-publication. It also gives opportunities to seek attention and self-promotion.
- Second, individuals with narcissistic traits are busy with their physical appearance, which they actively change in ways to boost others‟ perceptions of their status and attractiveness. Narcissistic people are more probable than people have less narcissistic traits to have a flawless, neat and organized appearance that appears to require extensive appearance, and to wear stylish and expensive dress in their selfies. Narcissistic females will probably wear more makeup, show cleavage and have plucked eyebrows, while narcissistic guys men less inclined to wear eyeglasses.
- Third, narcissistic individual thing they are more physical attractive then do less narcissistic individuals. They spend more time looking into mirror. Moreover, people who take and post more selfies typically report that they are doing this because they look good in their photos and wants that other also view their photos so, they post them on social network sites.
Therefore, it can found that narcissistic people may upload their selfies to online networking as a reasonable means through which they can utilize their attractiveness to get admiration and attention from others. Such people are more likely to upload their selfies via social networking sites and do this in greater frequency than people with less narcissistic tendencies.
Acts of Vanity or Narcissism
The most obvious argument that made against conceptualizing selfies as only relate them to acts of vanity or narcissism. Selfies consist of far more than stereotypical young girls making duck faces in their bathrooms. When people pose for political selfies, joke selfies, sports-related selfies, fan-related selfies, illness-related selfies, soldier selfies, crime-related selfies, selfies at funerals, or selfies at places like museums, we need more accurate language than that afforded by 19th-century psychoanalysis to speak about what people believe themselves to be doing, and what response they are hoping to elicit.
Selfie Posting and Self-Esteem
Posting selfies reflects high self-esteem levels, and it may likewise upgrade one’s confidence in light of the fact that such photographs commonly underline one’s ideal and controlled picture. The profile photo involved a focal piece of online self-introduction, and one that is basic for social success. Selfies can likewise improve the self-presentation by posting what is socially attractive. The radiance impact, a psychological inclination, permits the celebrated design bloggers, who regularly have fashionable and attractive body, to seen as financially rich.
Researches on Selfie Posting and Self-Esteem
Researches have been conduct at wide range on the issue of self-esteem associated with selfie behavior throughout the history. Self-esteem can change over the time and depends on situation. If people get feedback on their selfies while posting them on social media it affects their self-esteem level.
Self-Esteem as an Attitude
Self-esteem also said as attitude toward one self. People with high self-esteem have positive attitude and with low self-esteem have negative attitude toward self. Self-esteem is a kind of respect that a person gives to self. People having low self-esteem post more selfies on facebook. People with low self-esteem do more activities for self-promotion then people have high self-esteem. Likewise, it based on gender that women of low self-esteem post more selfies online, than women with high self-esteem. Seeing one’s own particular lovely selfie has a positive effect towards the self-esteem of that individual. It helps to boost confidence of that they are better in physical appearance. This makes them more confident and they interact with others with more confidence.
Negative Effect of Selfies on Self-Esteem
The negative effect of selfies on self-esteem is also present. Regarding character improvement and mental wellbeing, inquire about proposes that youthful clients report low self-esteem and general prosperity following occasions of positive feedback on long range social media sites. Selfies are a pointer of low self-esteem social reliance or even consideration looking for conduct. While thinking about the potential negative impacts of web-based social networking, there gives off an impression of being dangers related with specific kinds of online movement, instead of SNS use at large. For instance, online networking use can be especially maladaptive when it happens as “passive browsing”. That is, when clients invest energy in destinations like Facebook and Instagram only taking a gander at different people’s photographs and profile content; it can trigger a feeling of rejection, envy, and loneliness
Selfie: A Twofold Edged Sword
Selfies are a twofold edged sword. For a few people, posting selfies is a self-confidence booster, and for others, selfies are the reason that influences them to feel awful about their lives and having uncertainties about their appearances. Most youngsters invest impressively more energy and money to look attractive so other people like them and that boosts their self-esteem. Self-esteem is overall positive and negative evaluation of our self. People who take more selfies think that selfies boost their confidence and self-esteem. Selfies are one of the amazing tools that assistance a man likes himself or herself. This uncovers selfies have the ability to help one’s self-confidence. When people share their selfies on social media sites, get comments and likes, its boots their self-esteem and fulfill their self-esteem needs.
Selfie and Plastic Surgery
As indicated by an investigation one of the biggest plastic surgery affiliations, selfies are hugely affecting the facial plastic surgery industry. Since the selfie incline created, specialists are having much more aesthetic interventions. One out of three facial plastic specialists said more individuals are requesting strategies because of more self-awareness of their looks via web-based networking media. The leader of AAFPRS says applications, for example, Instagram and Snapchat are assuming an enormous part. They “compel patients to hold a magnifying lens up to their own particular picture and regularly take a gander at it with a more self-basic eye than any other time in recent memory before”.
Approximately 13% of AAFPRS individuals reviewed said expanded photograph sharing and patients’ disappointment with their own photographs via web-based networking media locales is prompting a rising pattern in facial plastic surgeries. It is extremely disturbing that their patients, particularly youngsters, need to experience plastic surgery methodology to abstain from tormenting on the informal organizations in light of their tasteful “blemishes” and “imperfections”. Most specialists overviewed said 69% of kids and teenagers are experiencing plastic surgery because of being harassed compared with 31% to forestall being torment.
Selfies Related Deaths and Injuries
A selfie is a gesture and body posture that can show different nonverbal messages to other audience, communities and individuals. Selfie is now becoming a fashionable trend not only among young generation but also in all age group. Selfie is an enjoyable thing we cannot deny from it but when people use selfie phenomenon in an extreme level it become a foundation of different psychological as well as physical illnesses and it turned into deadly thing. There is so many deaths occur due to taking selfies this is the most extreme negative affect of selfies on human’s lives.
Extreme selfie related behaviors lead people toward high level of health risk and injuries and even deaths especially among teenagers and youngsters who are involve in selfie taking behavior at every moment of their lives. Selfie phenomenon also makes bad effect on preteenagers lives and other livings thing in the nature.
Selfies: A Reason of Suicide
Selfies also cause deaths and become a reason of suicide. This is the worst effect of selfies on new generation. India is at the top where people died the most due to selfies. There is 47 deaths occur worldwide and 14 only in India. There is a case of 18 year old teenager, Danny Bowman diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder because he spend contently ten hours, try to take right selfie”, then attempting suicide after failing to produce into the camera what he wants. He ended up shooting 200 selfies in eight hours. Media were report that, 159 people victimized in 111 accidents and events while taking selfies.
We assessed vital outcomes, demography, rhythmicity, inclinations, occasion or mishap writes, selfie-related hazard factors, influenced body districts of casualties with reasons for damage, and demise. Discovered that the greater part of selfie victims were students. Selfie-related deaths and injuries were accounted for most often in India, the US, and Russia. The most favorite site of taking selfies was cliff edge. The most of the time detailed occasion or mischance compose was tumbling from a stature. For the numerous body parts were damage in selfie-related deaths and injuries. The successive reasons for selfie-related deaths were drowning and multi-trauma. Selfie-related deaths and injuries have expanded in the previous years. Especially, youngsters and grown-ups are at high hazard for selfie related trauma and injuries; in this way, extraordinary measures ought to take to decrease their rate.
A Cool Selfie could Cost You Your Life
In the year 2015, more deaths have happened because of taking a selfie than from being attached by a shark. The report announces that 12 individuals have passed on in 2015 while taking a selfie and only eight people attached by shark and died. “A cool selfie could cost you your life,” interior ministry warns with tips, for example, “selfie with a weapon may kill”. That notice comes after string of late selfie-related mishaps. In May, a 21-year-old woman unconsciously shot herself in the head in Moscow while taking a selfie holding a gun.
The cell phone with the selfie made due as a record. In May, a young person in the Ryazan district passed on while endeavoring to photo himself as he jumped on a railroad connect and unintentionally came into contact with live electrical wires. “Before taking a selfie, everyone should consider the way that dashing after a high number of ‟likes” could lead some individual on a trip to death and his last extraordinary photograph could end up being after death.
Another Dark Side of Selfies
There is another dark side of selfies. An incident in which a boy kills a class fellow and after that, upload a selfie to Snapchat influenced front page in the online version post to Washington on February 8, 2015. Furthermore, obviously this incident can and will be utilized for instance of how posting selfies is an “irritating phenomenon” which is dangerous for youngsters, by affecting them. The fact is not the genuine murder however the way that the youngster was so idiot to take selfie with the corpse. This is a prime case of two things, as we would like to think:
Firstly, youngsters are mean to each other. Our general public has endeavored to romanticize youth and cover the way that youthful ones are focused and mean keeping in mind the end goal to build up predominance in their smaller scale societies.
Secondly, we should underline that exclusive an irreverent individual would brag.
What is Addiction?
According to world health organization the addiction is defined as it is a chronic and periodic intoxication that is produced by over of drugs and it has tendency to increase the level of dose and also develop physical dependence. However, early psychology defines the addiction in different terms. According to psychoanalytic theorist Frued, other than over consumption of narcotics, stimulants, hallucinogens compulsive smoking and alcoholism addiction is also related to behaviors such as nail biting, thumb sucking, eating of hair or skin, compulsive masturbation, compulsive eating, extreme dependency on one person’s or series of love and attachment to a transitional object.
In past few years, the meaning of term addiction has been extended from substance addiction and now includes behaviors that are related to non-substance materials and cause impairments and problems. Now it is known as behavioral and process addiction. Both behavioral and substance addiction look same because they have same effects on physiology, patterns of behavior and emotions. Behavioral addiction includes different themes as socialization on social networks, online video games and different sexual related behaviors.
Now taking too much selfie is also count in behavioral addiction. The selfie addiction not only taking selfies it also includes photo editing, changing of background, add different effects to make photo more attractive before posting them and post selfies on social media very often.
Selfie and Its Addiction
People who become addict of selfies develop mental illness that leads them to suffer and spend a lot of time worrying about their appearance. Medical therapists claim that selfie-taking addiction is also like other drug, alcohol and gambling addictions and it is quickly spiral out of control. There is something wrong in the mind of people who like to take their self-portrait. Some researchers suggest that when people create their self-portrait, upload, and share them on social media sites, it compensate their low confidence and boost their self-esteem. People have strong urges to show their all activities, what they are doing, where they are with whom and what they wear and how they look, and post them on social media sites.
Research on selfie Addiction
So many studies present that investigate these variables in their researches. Such as, selfie related to addiction, craze or enjoyment, perception of people toward selfie and its impact on people, selfie phenomenon and its presentation and implications and exploration of selfie addiction and development of selfie addiction scale and so on.
A research study that is conduct by Kela, Khan, Saraswat, & Amin (2017) examine that how selfies taking affects physical and mental health of people and taking selfies is a fun or harmful addiction. The finding of this study based on taking selfies in excessive amount lead people toward self-obsession and narcissistic traits of personality. People who take more selfies have different psychological and physical problems such as they become mentally disturbed and have mood swings and selfie elbow. This study also examine that people who take so much selfies suffer from headache and low backache. This study claim that selfie become an addiction and it is not a joke anymore but become a reason of physical and mental health problems and lead people toward a new type of disorder especially in teenagers.
Latest Studies on Selfie Addiction
Priya, Sparsh and Prince (2017) conducted a research on selfie craze and addiction. They hypothesize so many reasons by which people become addicted to selfies. This study gives a theoretical support to my study. The aim of this study was to explore the existence of selfie addiction among young adults. There are various factors define in this study that have strong impact on peoples selfie taking tendencies. The sample of this study includes teenagers, young adults and adolescents.
This study reported that selfie phenomenon has new dimension of people’s selfie taking behavior. It is known as selfie culture. Selfie culture is a culture in which people have strong urges to represent and get objectification of their selfies. The need of representation and objectification of this culture lead people toward extreme selfie taking behaviors and they become addict.
Selfie get so much popularity in now days that lead people to take so much selfies. People take so much selfies to get connection with others to share their activities or create memories. People also use selfies to express feeling in a particular time. According to findings of this study, 53% people become addicted of selfie by spending so much time to get perfect selfie. People spend more time to take perfect selfie also lead them to take three selfies per day. When a person take three selfies every single day, he is considered as selfie addict.
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