
Yes! Shorter Workouts Can Offer As Much Benefit As Longer Ones

Shorter Workouts

A growing body of evidence shows that speedier, shorter workouts can help you lose weight, tone muscles and increase stamina. But could faster workouts actually also produce the same benefits of longer workouts?

Take a recent University of West Scotland study where investigators asked one group of teens to run on a treadmill three times a week at a steady pace for 20 minutes and another group to do a series of brief, all out sprints. After seven weeks, both groups showed significant cardiovascular improvements including better endurance, lower blood pressure and reduced BMI – but the sprint group invested only 15 percent of the time to get nearly the same benefits (420 minutes versus 63 minutes.)

The speed demons didn’t burn as many total calories but they did burn twice as many calories per minute compared to the long-distance runners. And, as we point out in Thin In 10, fast and furious workouts temporarily boost metabolism which means you continue to burn calories at a higher rate for several hours after your workout is done.

Interested in giving shorter, faster workouts a go? Try one of these three great options.


Conceived in the nineties by a Japanese exercise scientist as a way to condition elite speed skaters, you can apply the tabata concept to any type of workout from walking to weight training by breaking up your routine into 4 minute cycles, alternating 20 seconds at a pedal-to-the-metal pace with ten seconds of rest.  Try it on your own or, for some guidance check out the audio album Tabata Coach: Workout Music Mix for Cardio, CrossFit, Interval Training and Weight Loss with timing cues and motivational voiceovers by Thin In 10 co-author, Jessica Smith.  Download off iTunes for $7.99.


Whether you’re a Vice Presidential wannabee or an Olympian, the goal of CrossFit workouts is the same: Train all aspects of fitness with high intensity and functional moves, e.g. exercises designed to improve your quality of life. Some of the workouts require nothing more than your own body weight while others involve equipment such as gymnastics rings, climbing ropes and kettlebells. You might want to join a class, buy an instructional DVD or watch some youtube videos to get up to speed. Or take a DIY approach by attempting any of the hundreds of Workout of the Day (WOD) protocols available for free on


Tony Horton, with his chiseled cheeks and abs, is such an inspiring cheerleader he makes you believe that you can tear through advanced moves like pull ups, push-ups and plyometrics even if it’s your first time rising up off the couch in years. However, if you’re a true beginner, tread lightly. Even the basic “Fat Shedder” phase of this 3-phase, 90 day program can leave you unable to hold a toothbrush for a week if you go overboard. Workouts are based on a solid foundation of smart training principles, effective program design and superb technique. The 13 DVD set is a bargain at $119.95 but you’ve also got to factor in the cost of required equipment. (To order:

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