A woman’s fertility depends on the fact that her reproductive system is working fine. Any disfunction in this process results in female infertility that needs diagnosis & treatment. In this article, we will discuss what are the options available for the diagnosis and treatment of female infertility.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Female Infertility
In a healthy female, the ovaries produce eggs. Her reproductive system allows the egg to pass through the ovaries and meet the male cell. Freeing the fertilized egg from the tube to the uterus and sticking it to the lining of the uterus results in pregnancy. However, this process could be disturbed due to various reasons. To rule out the cause of infertility, treating physicians often run various diagnostic tests. Depending upon the presenting symptoms and then prescribe treatment.
Diagnostic Options
Diagnosis is the first step to identifying the type of disease and its severity. Consequently, the following are some major tests that infertile female patients undergo.
Blood Tests
Gynaecologists in Pakistan often recommend ‘Female Fertility Profile’. After a general medical examination, doctors conduct the following tests accordingly.
1. Egg Ejaculation Test
It tests the hormones that are responsible for the number of eggs (formed and released).
2. Ovarian reserve testing
This test checks the quality and quantity of oocytes in the ovaries.
3. Hormone Test
Disturbance in the production of fertility hormones is the leading cause of infertility. Physicians perform hormonal tests which are responsible for the growth and production of eggs. Pituitary hormones that control the reproductive system are examined.
Imaging test for female infertility

Transvaginal Sonography
Identification of the condition of ovaries and tubes is referred to as TVS or internal ultrasound. This type of sonography uses a camera to scrutinize the internal space of the uterus and tubes. in special cases, there is the testing performance of hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and genetic testing. Not every patient needs every test. You and your doctor decide the consultation of any test.
Hyster sonography or Saline Infusion Sonogram
The drug passes the uterus and enters the stomach through a tube. Natural absorption occurs. It is not harmful. Throughout this process, obstruction in the uterine tumour or tube becomes apparent. There is no forward movement of the drug when a blockage occurs in the tube. It comes back.
To detect the shape of the uterus, its adjacent tubes, and any obstructions or defects, the doctor conducts this test. This test uses a drug/contrast (which produces a white image on a black X-ray). With the help of a soft flexible tube, there is the insertion of medicine into the uterus. During the process, there is a performance of an X-ray or fluoroscopy. In spite of normal saline and X-ray, fluoroscopy or saline infusion sonography is more common, equally, there is the usage of ultrasound.
Treatment of Female Infertility

Remember during the treatment, the time, determination and high morale of the couple are equally important. Treating infertility can be financially, physically and psychologically difficult and expensive. It is often long and sometimes painful. This treatment can not guarantee its success Some of the causes of infertility are incurable. In many couples, there is no cause for infertility diagnosis. The unexplained infertility is a problem with such a couple.
Preparatory Steps
At the beginning of infertility treatment, the doctor conducts an interview with the couple. Questions about the marital routine and procedure of the couple are on the list. Treatment depends on the condition. Usually, a patient needs one or two treatments. Sometimes, doctors use different techniques. Consequently, treatment of infertility depends on the following four points:
1. What causes infertility?
2. What is the duration of infertility?
3. How old is the couple?
4. What is the personal desire of the couple?
Treatment Options for Female Infertility
With the advancement of modern technology, infertile couples have the option to welcome little feet in the world and enjoy their bundle of joy.
1. Ovulation medications
Women having problems with egg production and ovulation need infertility medications. These drugs stimulate and regulate the process of ovulation and ensure the egg’s release. So, it is best to discuss the use and benefits of these medications with your doctor before starting treatment.
In this treatment option, treating doctors artificially deliver semen inside the uterus or deliver semen to the abdominal membrane inside the uterus TH. There is a direct insertion of healthy germs in the patient’s uterus. The benefit of this treatment is for women whose vaginal fluids prove to be spermicide or whose husband’s sperm count is very low.
The procedure starts when the time for ovulation is near, i.e. during the fertilization window (12 to 36 hours before ovulation or surge in LH ). Depending on the cause of the patient’s infertility, the treating physician notes the timing of ovulation and IUI / IUTPI from the patient’s monthly system or from fertility-enhancing drugs
3. Surgery
Treatment of uterine tumours or any type of wound with a camera (hysteroscope or laparoscope).
4. Assisted Reproduction Technology
This includes every treatment that involves the handling of sperm and eggs outside the body. The ART team consists of trained staff. Physicians, psychologists, embryologists, lab technicians, nurses and related professionals work together to help an infertile couple have children. IVF or test tube baby is the most popular. After the medication, large quantities of eggs are obtained. In a laboratory dish, the husband’s germs are mixed with these eggs. The fertilized egg takes place in the uterus for 3 to 5 days. This 3 to 5-day interval is absolutely necessary to confirm the success of fertilization.
In the mature egg, doctors inject healthy bacteria. This method is useful for couples where the amount or quality of sperm is low or a couple in which routine IVF has failed. There is an opening of the outer membrane of the fertilized egg (hatching, egg hatching). It is attached to the uterine membrane.
5. Egg Donation
It can only be used in Pakistan in the case of two wives of the same husband. The healthy wife agrees to give her egg to the infertile wife. It is commonly used in the West and through it. Completely infertile men and women who have severe sperm or ovarian defects are making up for their deficiency. Egg sperm or embryo (fertile egg) is obtained from the donor.
6. Pregnancy Carrier/Surrogacy
Suppose a woman whose egg is completely healthy but she has a problem in her uterus. Her uterus is not suitable for conception or pregnancy. Such a woman can place her eggs/pregnancy in a carrier woman through her test tube. Pakistani doctors are not using this method. In the West, infertile couples, elderly childless couples and homosexuals are having children in this way.