
What is The Best Color For a Job Interview?


What do you think the best color is to wear on a job interview? When I polled people on social media responses flooded in!Among those surveyed:

Janna Nicole voted for, “Navy blue, black, or Aborigine. Dark hunter green or deep chocolate brown can also work. Dark, dark, dark!”

Geb Souhan recommends staying with the “black suit”, while Karen Fischer advises staying dark but spicing it up. “Conservative black, gray, blue but definitely a splash of red!”

There were also a lot of members of team blue and team red. Most voted on conservative attire, although Debra Gold insists, “It depends on where you’re interviewing – if you’re going financial, or other “stiffer” places, then the comments above have it. If you’re going into a creative environment, then let your freak flag fly.”

So what color did a brand new CareerBuilder survey of nearly 3,000 hiring managers reveal is the best color to wear? Survey says:

Employers most often recommended blue (23 percent) and black (15 percent). Orange topped the list for the worst color (25 percent of employers) and was the color most likely to be associated with someone who is unprofessional.

Many employers felt more conservative colors such as black, blue, gray and brown conveyed a sense of professionalism. These were the attributes associated with various colors:

  • • Black – Leadership
  • • Blue – Team Player
  • • Gray – Logical/Analytical
  • • White – Organized
  • • Brown – Dependable
  • • Red – Power
  • • Green, Yellow, Orange, or Purple – all four colors were associated with Creative

Ralu Zelinschi who participated in our social media survey thinks the same way. “Black suit, blue shirt. Black- conservative, blue- trustworthy.”

But job interviews aren’t always a one-color fits all category, CareerBuilder reminds you to:

1- Dress for the environment, but don’t get too casual: 

If everyone is dressed in shorts and flip flops and you show up in a business suit, you may not come across as the right fit. Dress according to the environment, but always look polished. Wear a suit where appropriate or at the very least a nice pair of pants or skirt and collared shirt or blouse.

2- Stick with neutrals: 

You can’t go wrong with navy, black, brown and gray. You can pair this with a classic white button-down shirt or incorporate a splash of a more vibrant color.

3- Tailor your outfit: 

Clothing that is too tight or revealing can leave an unfavorable impression. Clothing that is too loose can make you look like a kid wearing your dad’s suit. Make sure your interview apparel complements your shape.

4- Don’t distract the interviewer: 

Wacky ties, loud patterns and oversized jewelry can cause the interviewer to spend more time wondering about your outfit than your skill set. Solids or small patterns are your best bet for interview attire.

5- Pay attention to details: 

Make sure shoes are polished, clothes are wrinkle-free and nails are manicured. Be mindful of your choice of belt, tie clip, hosiery, socks, etc.

Lin Bateman, who took part in our survey, reminds us not to forget the basics! “The best accessories are a nice smile and good eye contact!”

Mimi Sun says your outfit won’t matter at all if your skills aren’t the things that are polished. “It’s not the suit that gets you hired or rejected. How you speak, your skill set, how the hiring manager sees you as a right fit for the organization.”

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