The concept of determinism, which asserts that all events in the universe are decides by prior events and causes. Aristotle gives the concept with others scientists and philosophers previous contributions. While most philosophers and scientists agree that there’s at least some degree of causal determination at work in the universe. However, no one has yet been able to provide an unassailable definition of determinism itself. But what do we know about determinism as it pertains to science? And where did the concept come from?
Define determinism:
Deterministic philosophy suggests that every event, including human cognition and behavior, is causally decides by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. It encompasses a set of ideas central to physics, particularly Newtonian mechanics and its philosophical descendants, as well as biology. The concept of determinism in physical present in mathematics under the name of theorem proving and computer science under that of logic programming.
More narrowly, determinism may also refer to predeterminism or fatalism. Detail discussion about deterministic conceptions of knowledge often refers to epistemological questions about human freedom if our actions are pre-determined. For example, how do we behave differently if we know what will happen?
Example of determinism:
Newton’s theory of gravity, for example, is a deterministic equation. If you know how two objects interact (such as two planets), then you can reasonably predict what their next action will be. In other words, if you know all of the interactions between two objects (and there are no outside influences on either of them). Then you can reasonably predict how they will behave in any given situation. So, Newtonian determinism boils down to one sentence. If we know everything about one object at a given moment in time. And we know exactly how it interacts with every other object in existence. Then we can determine its behavior over time.
The core concept of determinism
Determinism, also known as causal determinism, or fatalism, is a philosophical doctrine. It states that for every event there exist conditions that could cause no other event. The principle behind causal determinism has existed in many forms over time under a variety of names and predates modern science. It is present in Indian religions, early Greek philosophy, Judaism, and Christianity.
In modern times we link it to as causal closure by quantum physicists and sometimes scientific determinism by philosophers. Although deterministic arguments were originally present in epistemology and ethics. They later reach to other areas such as physics and biology.
What is predestination?
Predestination is a philosophical doctrine. It states that all events, including human actions, decides by an omniscient being, usually God. It, therefore, implies that humans have no free will. Predestination does not imply fate—that is. It does not state that every event is inevitable or predetermined and some events may be coincidental; rather, predestination postulates a divine plan which anticipates future events. For example: According to Christian doctrine, God has predetermined all future events. This makes it clear there was no free will with regards to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.
The fact that we are determined doesn’t mean our actions are determined.
One way to think about it is that while our actions are not predetermined, they are caused. We are determined by our physical and psychological states, as well as by outside forces (like other people). And all these things effects our decisions. We don’t choose everything about ourselves, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t in control of what we do.

Determinism does not mean that our actions does not matter.
In our everyday life, many of us encounter instances when we feel as if we’re at the mercy of circumstances. For example, we might find ourselves asking why we didn’t get that promotion when it was clear to everyone else that we deserved it. We certainly can act in ways that shape our lives for better or worse. But what seems like an unjustified outcome might have been inevitable due to forces outside of our control.
We can freely choose how we act in response to being determined.
The famous British philosopher Sir David Hume (1711-1776) denied that human beings have free will. And he defended that view in his influential Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. According to his compatibilist position, or what he refer as soft determinism. Both man’s actions and his character are determined by prior factors—so freedom of action isn’t at issue. If we say that a man freely chooses not to steal (for example), it means only that he acts in accordance with his nature as a moral being, something for which he can’t take credit. This view, therefore, has implications for our understanding of God and morality.
Where does free will fit into all this?
The concept of free will seems to contradict causal determinism. If everything that happens has a cause, then it doesn’t seem like it is responsible for our actions if they are all pre-determined. This, however, isn’t true. At least one philosopher holds that not only do events have causes and effects; they also must happen in a given order, otherwise there wouldn’t be any identifiable events at all (the world would just be one continuous stream of cause and effect with no discernible changes). In other words, events don’t merely happen in a particular order; they need to occur in that particular order for things to happen at all!
What is theological determinism?
Theological determinism, also known as theological fatalism or theological fatalistic divine predestination, is a view in Calvinist theology. It states that everything that happens including all human actions and choices — god decids it previously before it happens. This concept come from John Calvin who says: By predestination, we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man. All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation.
What is logical determinism?
It may seem obvious, but logical determinism says that one event must happen after another in a given order. Basically, everything that has happened and will happen has already been decided by prior events and natural laws. Logical determinists say there’s no free will because every person’s actions are predetermined by prior circumstances, including his or her character and personality traits.
Logical determinists also argue that it’s impossible to make moral judgments about other people’s behavior because those judgments can only be based on a person’s own individual knowledge of what’s going on inside their head. If we don’t know how someone decides to act (because they have no control over it), then we cannot judge them for choosing wrong or right.
Final verdict:
Deterministic ideas suggest that human beings are physically unable to make decisions (such as what they have for lunch) that would result in something other than what they decided to do. This means we don’t have free will. Since everything, including our thoughts and desires, we can’t choose to do things differently.
It also means we’re not responsible for any of our actions: Since everything that happens was always going to happen no matter what, there’s no point blaming us for anything! As you can imagine, determinism isn’t a very popular theory—most philosophers see it as a threat to freedom and personal responsibility.