
4 Uses Of An Inclinometer You Must Know


Multiple tools in the ultramodern age have shaped the route engineers structure buildings, building aircrafts, fit structural strength, and avoid coming troubles. One of these significant tools is an inclinometer. Keep reading this article to learn further about the uses of an Inclinometer!

An inclinometer is capable of measuring the exact angle of a mooring line inclination. Many mooring systems can fit with inclinometers designed to report line tensions. These systems determine the mooring line tension depending on the angle by reference to a catenary equation.

Note: It is important to know the positions of the anchor and the vessel in order to get the line tension change from the angle measurement. An alarm showing a mooring line failure may raise if the angle went outside the predefined limits. 

What is an Inclinometer?

An inclinometer, also called as clinometer, is a tool to measure the angles of slope and depression of an object with respect to gravity. The resulting measurement can be in the form of an angular measurement (degrees, minutes, seconds etc.) or as a percentage with reference to a level zero plane.

Clinometer monitors the effect of gravity on a small mass hold off in an elastic support structure so that when the device moves, this mass moves and change capacitance between the mass and the support. Inclinometer uses an accelerometer for the measurement of these angles. It is a system that measures displacements across a reference line in ground and structures. Example applications of inclinometer may include:

  • Position feedback of the solar tracking systems
  • GPS compensation
  • Platform monitoring
  • Platform leveling
  • Agricultural and industrial vehicle tilt monitoring

For such a wide range of applications, inclinometer specifications may vary greatly, such as:

  • Measurement Range
  • Number of Axes Measured
  • Accuracy (maximum error between the measured and displayed value at any point in the measurement range)
  • Output Type (can allow you to connect and retrieve data from the device
  • Resolution (smallest measurable change in output)
  • Sensitivity
  • Temperature Range (based on the components)

Inclinometers is a perfect tool for a variety of surveying and measurement projects. In land surveying and mapping, it gives a rapid measurement of the slope of a geographic feature. Inclinometers can measure the strike and dip of geologic formations in drilling for minerals. In forestry, it can measure the tree height using standardized methods including triangulation. Artillery guns have an associated inclinometer to facilitate aiming of shells over long distances.

Uses Of An Inclinometer

Inclinometer has been used since the 1900s and over the years, its uses have increased a lot more. It has manifold uses such as in aircrafts, while climbing places of high altitude, to find out about the inclination of building constructions and the slopes of trees. One of the most known inclinometers is the Well’s Inclinometer. It is very unique device and its uniqueness makes the tool an important part of the marine industry, construction industry, mill industry, and others.

Experts use this tool to measure the magnitude of pitch and upgrading or depression of an object. Other than that, a type of inclinometers called Bubble inclinometer uses in operations like Aviation, engineering and military exercises. There are various classes of this tool that enable engineers to take important measures.

Bubble inclinometer is used in military operations.
Bubble inclinometer

Here are 4 uses of inclinometer you must know:

1. Monitoring Landslides

Landslides are a constant hazard for structure. There’s no telling when a landslide could happen and invoke the whole structure to distort. But with devices like inclinometers, architects can have an idea about when a landslide could come about. Landslide monitoring with an inclinometer shows the strength of shear zones and provides data about the movement of landslides. Installation of inclinometers depends on colorful factors in the case of landslide monitoring. Anyhow of the place, where they install; they allow a perfect dimension of ground creeps. An added benefit is measuring the rate of landslide movement, so no stone can quit unturn by national engineers to preclude the unfavorable things.

2. Structural Performance

Holding structures need proper examination as they’re prone to side pressure. The movements in the ground deliver them unfriendly stuff that can generate a severe problem. The worst thing is that these distortions in the withholding structure cannot be suspected, and they can do indeed after a construction design is done. One of the uses of inclinometers is that they can be used to prevent these distortions. Engineers inaugurate the inclinometers in the boreholes or in the rudiments of a structure to be apprehensive of any possible hazards before time. The inclinometers can supply practicable data about the structural fluctuations, so administrations like the armed forces have enough time for action.

3. Stability Of Slopes

 Slopes like filling dikes are important for numerous structures. But assuring that the integrity of these man- made slopes is over to the mark is a real struggle for engineers. Any fluctuations in the ground can bring about the collapse of a slope. The dimension of the stability of different pitches is done flawlessly with inclinometers. The installation styles for fitting slope stability are the identical as for landslide monitoring, and the results are comprehensive for civil engineers.

4. Tunnel Drilling Monitoring

 Tunnels and shafts are significant terms of the structure. Like all the other structure items, you have to make sure that they stay powerful over time by ground motions. Displacements of any roadblocks can inflict loss on the whole structure. The perfect result for checking these Tunnel drilling systems is using inclinometers for monitoring. These tools can check the efficiency of the ground, find out any defects in the plan and modify the way of building these tunnels. As the inclinometers can be used to detect any faults, they can effortlessly inform the engineers before construction if there are any ground collapses in the structure point. Military workforce also uses these inclinometers for making tunnels.

Military forces use inclinometers to make tunnels.
Use of inclinometer in military

Factors that affect the use of inclinometers

A wide range of factors can affect the use of inclinometers. The overall accuracy depends on the type of tilt sensor and technology used.

  • Vibration and shock
  • Temperature (drift), zero offset
  • Gravity
  • Acceleration/deceleration
  • Linearity
  • The angle measurement precision and accuracy may limit to better than one arcsec.
  • A line of sight between the user and the measured point is required.
  • A well-defined object is needed to acquire the maximum precision.
  • Cross-axis sensitivity

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