Science and Technology




Android phones are so reliable types of phones which you can use for the purpose of communications. Mobiles are so interactive to use for data communication, data transfer, video calls, audio calls and texting. These android mobiles are so effective and many types of applications can easily download using the android play store. There are some many famous phones that one should buy and considered as top android phones to use in 2015. These phones are perfect to use whenever you want. Android phones are fully functional and leaves positive marks on google.

Sony Xperia Z3+

This phone is well thought type of phone and has great functionality. It has the great amount of storage in it and Z3 has the perfect power of water resistant. It can give your pleasure to use gaming with perfect combination of new technology. If you want the Z3+ experience because it has fingerprint scanner in it.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+

Samsung S6 edge+ has the big advantage in the market which have QHD screen and available in 5.7 inches display. It has the 16 MP camera and fingerprint scanner has the power for best octa-core processors and pumping the RAM with 3GB and 4GB storage spaces. It has the functionality that you can charge this phone wirelessly.


The screen has the strong camera and it gives the great foundations in mobile market. The mobile has the curved type folding shape of the phone which is made of metal and glass. It has the top selling brand in the market which can help many people to develop the best mobile market. The curved mobile phone has great certainty in the market. The battery is fully equipped with new functions that can install in your phone. Eight mega pixel camera is the best front end camera and rear camera is the 16 mega pixel camera which captures the moment rapidly.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Simple Samsung S6 edge is most beatable phone and it has the storage capacity up to 128 GB memory. Rear camera has the 16 MP resolution with 5MP camera. If you have more money, you can easily get the Samsung edge phone because it has the catchy curved display phone which is very expensive and many functions are used easily. It has the QHD 5.1 display screen which can be used as curved display for notifications purposes.

Samsung Galaxy S6

After the disappointment launch of Samsung S5, now you people will enjoy the Samsung galaxy S6. It has the metal and glass display with the 5.1 inches QHD screen. It has the TouchWiz function with the polished camera’s functions. It has the fast charging and fingerprint scanner can be helpful for many people. Samsung galaxy S6 has the powerful battery but its battery have not the capacity for more backup hours. Many people wants to switch on the battery and use the mobile even when they sleep, so this phone is not suitable for them. You have to be very choosy when using this phone but the features are perfect.

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