
Top 10 Low-Calorie Foods To Spice Up Your Love Life

Low-Calorie Foods

Don’t break up your healthy eating plan when you head out for a romantic dinner. Instead, fill up on any of these low-calorie foods that will show some love to your whittling waistline. They’ll even put you in the mood for a little ‘dessert’ afterward — and we’re not talking about chocolate molten lava cake! Here are our top 10 Low-Calorie foods that are all under 190 calories per serving.

1. Oysters

Unless you’ve been hiding under a shell, you’ve probably heard that oysters are a delectable aphrodisiac. They’re rich in the libido-boosting nutrients arginine and zinc. Arginine helps increase blood flow and can improve your sexual function since it stimulates your sex organs. Oysters also have zinc in them. And adequate zinc intake can help increase male sperm counts and improve energy levels, helping to prevent you from being too tired to perform.

Calories: 43 calories per medium oyster

2. Shrimp Cocktail

Order some shrimp cocktail as a healthy appetizer that will also put you in the mood for love. Shrimp is one of the best low-calorie foods which is rich in the amino acid tyrosine, which helps increase feel-good chemicals in the brain such as dopamine. Tyrosine allows your body to produce dopamine and since this chemical is a must for romantic desire and fulfillment, it’s important to take in an adequate amount to boost your love life.

Calories: 99 calories per 100 grams (3.2 oz)

3. Steamed spinach

Who knew spinach could be so arousing? It’s rich in natural nitrates, which can improve male sexual performance and help women feel more receptive to advances. Your body uses nitrates to make nitric oxide, a compound that helps regulate the function of your arteries. As your nitric oxide levels increase, so does your blood vessel performance. And when your arteries dilate, it will help show off your athletic prowess with a heart-pumping lovemaking session. Guess Popeye was on to something!

Calories: 41 calories per 1 cup cooked

4. Edamame

Similar to shrimp, soy proteins such as edamame, low-calorie foods are rich in the amino acid tyrosine. Since this also helps boost the feel-good chemical dopamine in the brain, soy proteins are the perfect option for vegetarians and vegans looking to spice up their love life.

Calories: 189 calories per 1 cup

5. Watermelon

Not only is this low-calorie fruit a sweet and juicy treat for your mouth, but it’s a treat for your love life as well. A 2008 study out of Texas A&M found that watermelon contains nutrients that have Viagra-like effects on blood vessels!

Calories: 139 calories per 1 cup

6. Iceberg lettuce

You may have heard that iceberg lettuce is low in nutrition, but it’s a nourishing aphrodisiac. It’s rich in an opiate that can help activate your sex hormones. Eat a bowlful a few hours before getting intimate and you’ll be good to go!

Calories: 10 calories per 1 cup

7. Banana

It’s not just their shape that may get you in the mood! Bananas are also rich in the enzyme bromelain, which is essential for male sexual health. This sweet fruit is also a fantastic source of potassium, a critical nutrient for orgasm.

Calories: 105 calories per 1 medium banana

8. Ginger

If you’re looking to get in the mood, you may want to add in ginger to your marinades, salad dressings, or beverages. This root can increase circulation, helping to bring blood flow to sex organs and prevent erectile dysfunction.

Calories: 2 calories per 1 teaspoon

9. Asparagus

This tasty vegetable is an excellent source of folate. This B vitamin helps to increase levels of histamine in your blood, which is a neurotransmitter that helps you to orgasm.

Calories: 27 calories per 1 cup raw.

10. Dark Chocolate

The number of flavanols present in chocolate can vary greatly depending on the way it’s produced and the specific brand. The best source of flavanols come from unsweetened cocoa powder. You can also purchase fortified powder if it promises at least 200 mg of flavanols per serving.

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