
Science Has Proved That These Beauty Myths Are True

beauty myths

We’ve all heard of those beauty myths that have been passed down from generation to generation, but many turn out to be completely ineffective.

Beauty Myths

Here are some popular beauty myths that science has actually proven to be TRUE!

1- Stop the knot

Routinely wearing your hair in a bun, or ponytail. Any style where it’s tightly pulled back can cause hair loss due to the pressure it puts on your roots, which can damage hair follicles.

2- Ditch the straw

Any repetitive motion that uses the muscles in your face. Whether it’s pursing your lips to drink out of a straw or even smiling can cause wrinkles.

3- Lather on olive oil

Monounsaturated oils, like olive oil, have a compact molecular structure that penetrates hair fibers easily, making their naturally occurring moisturizers readily available to soften hair.

4- Cut out the stress

When we get stressed out, the body releases hormones and brain chemicals, which may target your skin. This response can upset normal skin function and cause a variety of issues, including breakouts. Hair follicles are a part of the skin, so the same stress response can have a negative impact on hair growth.

5- Cover up with cucumbers

Cucumber slices work to rejuvenate our skin because they contain powerful antioxidants and flavonoids that battle free radicals. When topically applied, these antioxidants help reduce inflammation and may even protect the delicate skin around our eyes from damage caused by UV radiation.

The Wrap

It’s important to remember that some beauty myths are just common treatments that our family and friends swear by. But they have NO scientific basis. Be careful with those because some can cause real damage.

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