
5 Ways To Add Joy And Lose The Stress Over the Holidays


The holidays are upon us and we should all be cheerful and thankful, right?! Not always. Along with food, family and fun the holidays…for some people… often bring frantic schedules, and money pressure and can highlight strained relationships or loved ones lost.

Relationship expert, Dr. Barbara Greenberg, has five survival tips that will help you find more joy over the holidays.

Make things easier on yourself

Not surprisingly, research shows women tend to feel more stressed during the holidays than men. This is likely due to the multiple hats that women wear and their desire to make sure that the holidays go smoothly for everyone.

To keep calm,  try very hard to get enough sleep throughout the season, delegate responsibilities and keep it simple. Your family is more likely to remember a good laugh than an elaborate dish.

Lower your expectations (and expect things to go wrong!)

If you’re expecting the holidays to be perfect, then you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Lower your expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised. Whether it’s burned food or underwhelming reactions to gifts, things will go wrong. And, that’s ok.

Keep the conversation light

Stick to less-than-controversial topics. Discussions about politics and finances are never harmonious.

Limit your alcohol intake

We all know that alcohol causes you to lower your guard. While it may make you more social, it may also cause you to say something you shouldn’t or rub someone the wrong way. Experts say we should avoid resolving family conflicts until after the holidays.

Practice gratitude

Finally, remind yourself to give gratitude. Even if things aren’t rosy –maybe you’ve gotten divorced or lost someone— everyone has something for which to be grateful… and isn’t giving thanks what the holidays are really all about?

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