
Tank Top Arms Workout

Tank Top Arms Workout

Nicole Glor of Nikki Fitness is going to help you get rid of those bat wings that flap underneath your arms. That means tightening up those triceps.  You’ve seen normal tricep moves where maybe you’re doing a French press with weight, some kickbacks, or tricep dips off a bench. We’re going to shake things up a bit. This short, intensive 9-minute Tank Top Arms Workout focuses on the upper body in all the places you most want to look toned and tight in a summer top. If you want toned, defined, and lean arms, this is a great workout to help you reach your goals.

About the exercises in this routine

The upper body exercises we put together are dynamic in that most of them are a blend of several traditional exercises. Because all of the movements in this routine are ranges of motion that are not commonly used in every day life, you likely wont need a lot of weight for these. Grab dumbbells if you have them, but water bottles, cans of soup, or books will all do just fine too.

There are 7 different exercises, and you will be doing each of them for 50 second intervals. A quick warm up and cool down are recommended, but not included in this video.

1. Toning Trio; Arms, Shoulders & Upper Back: 

Do a ventral raise (with both arms extended, lift both weights straight in front of body), then a standing row (pull arms back to pinch shoulder blades together, and then rotate forearms so that your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. This is great for the arms, shoulders, and rhomboids of the upper back.

2. Bicep Curls + 2 Hooks: 

Do a traditional bicep curl and then raise fists to roughly in front of face; complete a hook punch with each arm. Drop arms back so that they are pinned at the side, then drop down from the bicep curl.

3. Reverse Fly Pulses:

This one is great for posture and you will surely feel it working. Bend over with a flat back and do a reverse fly; pulse at the top of the motion. Make sure that you use slow and controlled motions – no jerking.

4. Chest Squeeze + Overhead Press Combo: 

Bend arms at a 90 at shoulder height; do a standing chest press focusing on really working against yourself & squeezing to feel those muscles flexing and working. Pull the elbows back out and then go up into an overhead press.

5. Windmills + Tricep Extensions: 

Bring arms from sides to overhead, in a large circle. Once arms are straight up overhead, bring hands in next to one another and bend at the elbows to drop for a tricep extension. Straighten arms back out, and then slowly lower back down in the same circling motion before repeating.

6. Arm Circles: 

One of the best shoulder exercises is also one of the most basic; extend your arms straight out at shoulder height and draw circles with your fingertips/arms. Halfway through, we will give you the cue to switch directions of your circles. These quickly begin to burn without any weight at all – really bump up the intensity by holding onto weights while you do them.

7. Single Arm Flys: 

Go into a shallow side lunge and prop yourself up with your elbow resting on that leading knee. With the other arm, go from a resting lowered position to a fly motion up over your head. Repeat this exercise on each side of the body; lunging to the other side to complete the reps on the opposite arm.

8. Calories burned

We estimate that our Tank Top Workout burns between 3-5 calories a minute, or 27-45 total. It might not seem like a lot but it can definitely make a difference in the tone and definition of your upper body. You can burn more calories with this routine than is quoted above by choosing a heavier, more challenging weight to lift.

Because it is a little low in the caloric expenditure department, we recommend pairing it with one of our cardio workouts. You could also do this workout for lean arms several times a day for faster results, or even combine it with some of our more challenging upper body workouts for a very comprehensive working over of those upper body muscles.

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