Racism and the philosophy of race that surrounds it has been around since the dawn of man. And only in the last century has it been viewed as anything less than socially acceptable. While you may hear many people say that racism doesn’t exist anymore. There are still many instances of racism throughout our culture. Even today, and it isn’t just about skin color or ethnic background anymore; racism can be about any number of things now, such as culture, where you live, what you believe in, etc. So what is the philosophy of race and racism really? Read on to find out more!
Define racism:
A philosophical doctrine that claims certain human races are superior to others. Racism is a conception of man as an absolute being. It has led philosophers to regard race or physical differences as important factors in determining mental worth. Some racist philosophies view other races as inferior to one’s own. They consider it natural for superior races to dominate inferior ones. Although usually directed at members of other ethnic groups. The effects include social alienation, poverty, low self-esteem, and increased rates of violence against minorities and women.
If a white male has a black friend, does that automatically mean he is not racist? In fact, that’s just an example of racism. You see, if one defines racism as prejudice or discrimination on account of the race then it can be seen that if one discriminates against other people based upon race or prejudice toward another person because of his or her race, then it could be deemed as racism. No matter how small or large in reality. Any instance where one treats another person differently based upon their race would be classified as such. As long as there are differences between humans because of their innate and inherited differences. Such as gender, sexuality, etc. There will always be some sort of racial bias between human beings on account of those differences.
Critical race theory
A philosophical perspective that analyzes how racism, bias, oppression, and power dynamics are in legal systems, economic structures, interpersonal relationships, health care practices, educational institutions, historical narratives, and social movements. When applied to a specific institution or situation it often refers to an intersectional perspective that brings together many fields such as African American studies; Critical race theory; Feminist Theory; Queer theory; LGBT studies; Native American studies.
The history of race in America
Despite being primarily founded by immigrants. America is often called a melting pot for its ability to integrate people from vastly different cultures into a unique, culture-blending whole. Still, in many ways, the race is one of America’s most controversial topics. Historians like Paul Frymer wrote in his book Uneasy Alliances: Race and Party Competition in America. He says Americans have spent more time debating how we categorize each other than we have thought about the race itself. Frymer points out that part of that stems from a basic discomfort with discussing it at all. Race as an issue runs deeper than any issue among American voters. It’s more visceral; there’s an emotional response before you even get to the substance.
Multiple racisms
It’s true that racism is based on racial prejudice, but that isn’t its only expression. Ethnic prejudice is racism too, as are other forms of discrimination. Both types have many facets, so it’s helpful to examine them individually for a better understanding of how they work. It’s also worth pointing out that there is another form or type of race-ethnic group (racial groups) divided into ethnic groups or tribes. An ethnic group may not be a racial group. Because they share a historical bond (language, history, etc.) as opposed to an actual physical characteristic (skin color). However, in today’s society, we consider any cultural difference between people who belong to different races as ethnicity or race.
Construction of racial identities
The construction of racial identities is an ongoing process that shapes how individuals think about themselves. How they perceive by others, and how they relate to society. Our first experiences with race often come at a very young age. When we have not yet developed our understanding of social relations in general. It is important to note that development varies from person to person. While some people may be aware of race as a concept at an early age, others may not develop a racial identity until adolescence or adulthood. Regardless of when it happens, everyone must go through some kind of developmental process where they sort out what it means to belong to a certain race.
The consequences of racial discrimination
Unjust discrimination based on a person’s race can have many negative consequences, from poor health to lower educational attainment. According to a study conducted by an economist at UC Davis, racial discrimination is linked to shorter life expectancy and higher infant mortality rates in minority communities.
Another study published in The New England Journal of Medicine shows that African-American men are less likely than white men to receive pain medication when diagnosed with cancer. While there is much work to be done toward equality between races, these studies show that there are immediate health benefits that come with fair treatment across races.
An individual may not be able to identify or prevent bias on their own, but they can take action by reporting racist behavior or working toward change within their community—and thereby improving conditions for everyone.
Reducing the effects of racial discrimination
It may be true that human beings are inherently prejudiced against members of other races, but it doesn’t mean that racial discrimination cannot be reduced. Philosophers have offered a number of solutions to combat racism, including acceptance, tolerance, education, and restorative justice. For example, we can learn to accept people based on their individual merits rather than prejudice them based on their racial identity. Treating individuals as people first, allows us to build relationships with those who may seem different from us at first glance. To reduce racial discrimination in our society means to embrace social equality.
Solution-based racism
I call solution-based racism the philosophy that helps solve our problems. This is where we understand that races don’t exist but rather each person is a unique individual, therefore, to solve racial problems we have to treat everyone as individuals without any assumptions or preconceived notions. But instead of trying to level out or blend in together with each other, it means when considering race at all, we are going to look at what makes us unique as individuals and see how those traits play a role in helping us achieve our full potential as members of society. We accept everyone for who they are, for their contribution based on these differences not despite them because all people can be equally valuable if given an equal chance.
Final verdict
A philosophy that asserts the superiority of one race over another. The concept stems from racial discrimination, which is prejudice towards others based on race or ethnicity. It also stems from racism, which is exclusionary practices against a particular group as a result of race or ethnicity. Most modern philosophers reject any justification for racism and consider it to be irrational. They argue that morality is not founded on empirical facts about human biology and cognition, but on reason and logical consistency. A key argument in support of contemporary views against racism comes from John Rawls’s theory: Rawls argues that we would have an unjust society if we did not apply egalitarian principles to it from behind a veil of ignorance.