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Paralyzing Anxiety

Paralyzing Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are psychological health conditions that cause severe symptoms and health problem like paralyzing anxiety.  One of the symptoms you may encounter is paralysis, which is so intense anxiety that you are unable to function. It can paralyze you both physically and emotionally

Anxiety can paralyze you physically

Anxiety can cause a variety of physical symptoms. One of which is the sensation of being unable to move physiologically. To the point where you are unable to take a stroll or move your arms and legs. In the aftermath of a clear stressor, such as a major life change, a disaster, or a traumatic event. In this case you may experience physically paralyzing anxiety. However, it can happen without you knowing what’s causing it.

What Causes Physical Paralysis?

There are two possible explanations for this. The first symptom is hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is the act of exhaling too much carbon dioxide, causing your body to respond by slowing blood flow to specific areas of your body. This is what causes the sensation that certain body parts are immobile. They may begin to tingle or feel numb, giving you the impression that your muscle fibers aren’t working. Anxiety causes shortness of breath, which can either maintain or worsen your anxiety.

The second problem is a little more complicated. Many movements in our bodies are automatic. Blinking, swallowing, smiling, or moving out of the way of an oncoming vehicle are examples of these. Your mind sends signals down your nerves telling you how to move, and you do so. When you walk or even think about walking, you don’t usually focus on each muscle activity one at a time. Walking, like all movements, is unconscious and is governed by your mind.


The inability to complete certain everyday tasks, effort assignments, or social activities is the immediate result of physically paralyzing anxiety. It can also lead you to believe that you have a physical problem. In this case, people may seek medical attention, undergoing multiple healthcare visits and medical investigations that may not result in any significant findings. It may even put them at risk for adverse reactions.

For example, if a person becomes unable to move and goes to the emergency room. In this we can use lumbar puncture. That could be invasive, painful, and unnecessary.

Anxiety Can Paralyze You Emotionally

Anxiety that interacts with multiple aspects of daily life is a more general definition of emotionally paralyzing anxiety. It can cause you to avoid all anxiety-provoking situations, severely limiting your life. A person with agoraphobia, for example, may become homebound due to anxiety and never leave the house or may require the company of others to do so.

Another example of emotionally paralyzing anxiety is severe anxiety that is so intense that you are unable to respond emotionally to anything else, good, or bad.

Stress causes anxiety

Fight and Flight Response

Having said all that, you may feel anxious even if you don’t have any obvious fearful thoughts. Anxiety is the activation of the fight or flight response – an involuntary that your body uses to react to danger – and many people have experienced these symptoms all the time, even though there are no rational fears that serve as triggers for the anxiety.

The fight or flight response can cause emotional paralysis. In this your entire mind, energy is focuse on one task and that is surviving danger. This not only emphasizes you out, but it also depletes your emotional and cognitive resources, leaving you unable to think calmly and rationally about how to deal with your anxiety. Many people describe anxiety as emotionally paralyzing because they don’t believe they can do anything about their symptoms no matter how hard they try. This is not the case: there are things you can do! Anxiety treatment programs are frequently highly effective, even though they require you to commit time and energy for them to be effective.

stress causes depression


Emotionally paralyzing anxiety can be more delicate, making you appear aloof or distant to those around you.

It can have a negative impact on other aspects of your life, such as social relationships, romantic relationships, or quality of work. In some cases, people are so worry that they avoid going to their doctor’s appointments. Because of this their health suffers as a result.

Fight, Flight, and Freeze are All Options.

We frequently discuss the fight or flight response because anxiety is directly related to it. However, for some people, the choice is not as simple as “fight or flight.” Some people have a strong desire to fight, flee, or even freeze.

The metaphor is a “deer in the headlights.” When a deer is about to be hit by a car, it does not run or fight back; instead, it freezes. While freezing is not the best course of action when a car is approaching, it is an evolutionary adaptation because in nature, staying perfectly still reduces your chances of being spotted by a predator.

This reaction is not limited to deer. It is present in many animals, as well as humans. So, if you’re experiencing extreme fear or panic and feel as if you can’t move at all, you might be experiencing the “Freeze” response.

Stop this Type of Paralysis by Controlling your Anxiety.

Remember that anxiety is something that you can overcome. However, you must ensure that you are dedicated to your treatment plan and willing to do whatever it takes to overcome your anxiety once and for all. Anxiety is a treatable condition that responds well to treatment, whether it’s therapy/counseling, medications (consult your doctor or psychiatrist first), self-help, or some other method. All you have to do is take the first step.

Treatment Alternatives

Zimbrean describes some treatment options and coping strategies for paralyzing anxiety. These are as follows:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT can teach you to break the link between the anxiety emotion and the specific behavior that is impeding you, such as the inability to move or do things that cause anxiety.

Recognizing your triggers

 It can be beneficial to identify the factors that cause your anxiety. This, however, is not always possible, and even when the factor is identified, it is not always easily removed.

Relaxation techniques

These can help you focus on the present moment and keep anxiety at bay.

Keeping your health in check

 Keeping your health in check and getting medical checks are critical in maintaining your anxiety. These can help you rule out or treat physical health conditions that may be causing your symptoms, as well as better understand and cope with physical symptoms that may be a manifestation of your anxiety.


 Medications may be require to reduce the severity of your anxiety and inhibit anxiety attacks from recurring. Benzodiazepines are anti-anxiety medications that are prescribe for short-term relief. Antidepressant medications are used to treat anxiety disorders over a longer period.


Fear can paralyze you physically and emotionally in some ways. Anxiety manifests itself differently in each person, including issues related to hyperawareness. This type of symptom is treatable. Anxiety can physically or emotionally paralyze you. Emotionally paralyzing anxiety can have an impact on your work and relationships, whereas physically paralyzing anxiety can interfere with daily tasks and, in some cases, lead to lengthy medical investigations or risky procedures. You can get help for your anxiety, as well as for the paralysis you’re experiencing.

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