
Is Marriage Good For Your Heart?

Is Marriage Good For Your Heart?

A study being presented at the American College of Cardiology meeting in Washington D.C. reveals that married people being in a happy marriage, have a reduced risk for cardiovascular diseases. Especially for married couples under the age of 50.

Analysis of surveys from 20,000 health centers that included 3.5 million people showed that married people have a 5 percent lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease than single, divorced or widowed peers. The risk was lower for married versus non-married people from all demographics. Demographics regardless of age, sex, and even elevated cardiovascular risks.

For younger people, the numbers were even more marked. Married couples under the age of 50 had a 12 percent lower chance of developing cardiovascular diseases than single people in their age range. Older couples between the ages of 51-60 had a 7 percent reduced risk. And those over the age of 60 had a 4 percent lower chance of cardiovascular problems.

More Evidence Points to How Marriage Benefits Women

“Studies over the last few decades in a variety of populations have shown that being married is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular mortality, and all cause mortality,” said Dr. Gregg Fonarow.

While this association has been consistently observed in men, there’s been more consistent evidence regarding marital status and heart health in women, according to Dr. Fonarow. “This new study finds that there is lower risk of the presence of cardiovascular disease among married women – a finding of interest.”

What Married People Are Doing Right?

Simply signing a marriage certificate is not a ticket to better health, of course. So what are married people doing differently than singles that’s improving their outlook for cardiovascular health?

According to Dr. Fonarow, there are a least four reasonable conclusions that can be drawn to answer that question, but they all need further research to be truly proven. If you’re happily married, here’s what most likely helping your heart:

You have higher emotional and social support.

People who are married report lower levels of depression. 43 percent say that they are happy, while just 25 percent of single people say the same. Married men are only half as likely as single men to commit suicide. And one-third as likely as divorced men to take their own lives.

You tend to lead a healthier lifestyle.

From motivating each other, married couples encourage one another to lead healthier lives. Single men drink double the amount of alcohol as married men. While some studies have found that married people also tend to carry more weight than single peers. The trends seem to be changing on that front as more married couples see the perks of working out together.

You go for regular checkups.

Married people have someone there to remind, them to go get checkups and encourage them to seek medical treatment. As they age, married couples aren’t embarrassed to seek out treatment because their spouse is likely doing the same.

You have greater financial stability.

The American Psychological Association says that surrounding issues like keeping a job and the economy is at the top of Americans’ stress list. Married people tend to have fewer concerns about finances than single, divorced or widowed peers. Costs like rent/mortgage, utilities and even food are reduced with two people footing the bill.

So while no two marriages are the same, it seems the overarching environmental factors may lead to healthier heart outcomes.

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