
Interview with Florence Lee-Gunawan from MGS Music About Impacts of Covid-19 on Music Schools

Impacts of Covid-19 on Music Schools
MGS Music Australia

Music School: MGS Music 
Web Page:
Based in: Australia
Founder : Florence Lee-Gunawan

As we know coronavirus has impacted everyone around the world somehow. Including more than half the world population went into lock down. This hasn’t only impacted the people but also the businesses. As most businesses have fixed expenses every month and if the income doesn’t stay fixed or in flow. That can be a real challenge for businesses to survive. 

We had an opportunity to talk with Florence Lee-Gunawan from MGS MUSIC SCHOOL who is the Australian representative and examination centre for LONDON COLLEGE OF MUSIC EXAMINATIONS (LCME).

How has Coronavirus impacted music schools in australia?

The Coronavirus impacted music schools in Australia towards the end of March 2020 when the Government imposed social distancing and lockdown laws banning indoor gatherings. So with teaching studios closed, we needed to switch to online lessons. 

I would say we are quite blessed to live in, dare I say, the digital age, where businesses around the world are able to utilise technology for such a time as this, so music schools can switch to online platforms. Music lessons were given through video calls and music resources were shared digitally. Music examinations offered by London College of Music (LCME) also switched to digital exams. 

How did you try to engage your music students during this pandemic?

We tried our best to maintain a certain level of consistency with all our students, scheduling their online lessons at the same time and day as they normally would have had at the teaching studio. We believe this helped students continue to feel a sense of connection, at a time of social distancing and isolation. 

What response did you receive for your special steps for music students?

We received a very positive response from all our students. Families were very understanding and cooperative at this time and there was a great sense of support as we navigated through this uncertain time. Though it was a process to switch to online lessons, with many families unfamiliar with using video conferencing apps like Zoom, however everyone had a willingness to learn and adapt which made the transition quite smooth. 

The anxiety of Coronavirus has spread in the world. How can music help to stay positive? 

Research has shown that listening to music improves our mental well-being and physical health. Music has the ability to influence and achieve our mood goals. For example, if you want to pump yourself up and get motivated, you listen to upbeat music to stimulate yourself. By listening to music you love, you increase feelings of happiness, excitement and joy. When you want to de-stress and calm down, you listen to slow, soothing music to help you calm down. This is just a snippet of what music can do. 

Apart from listening to music, I believe learning a musical instrument is such a rewarding thing for people of all ages. Particularly during this pandemic as we are all spending more time at home, it might be the perfect time to start learning an instrument. It relieves boredom, stimulates your brain, and can bring joy and a sense of accomplishment which can be very helpful during this time. 

Do you have any advice for parents and students during COVID-19?

Let’s try to stay as positive as we can, making the most of the situation, being grateful for what we have, instead of complaining about the things that we cannot do or cannot have. I believe that a thankful positive heart is what we all need to weather this storm, and come out of this pandemic stronger than ever before.

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