
How To Keep Sauce From Slipping Off Your Hot Dog?

Hot Dog

Have you ever noticed how your sauce slides all over the place? It is round, after all. I’ve got some simple steps to stop the sauce slip… and make your hot dog look better, too!

Skewer your hot dogs

First, insert a wooden skewer in a hot dog the long way. Next, take the tip of a knife and, rolling the hot dog, cut through- but not all the way!

Twist, cut, twist, cut

  • Then, once at the top, release the skewer. You should have a spiral shape.
  • Put this on a baking sheet and place in the oven for around 20 minutes at 375 degrees.
  • After 20 minutes, take the hot dogs out of the oven and place on the bun.

Time for condiments

As we mentioned, mustard and ketchup usually just runs down the sides. Thanks to the spectacular spiral shape, the sauce seeps into every pocket, making for the perfect bite every time.

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