
How do people celebrate Independence Day?


On Independence Day, countries are originated either in form of separate nations or in separate geographical states. People had fought for their identity, tradition and ethics in order to represent and make them a separate and independent state. There are many ways in which people celebrate their independence days all across the globe. Independence celebration day is planned and preparation starts a week before the day of independence for the grand celebration. Here are some of the common ways in which people show their love and patriotism for their country on the Independence Day:

Independence Day parade:

Most of the people actively participate in their Independence Day Parade to show their love and affection with the country and its forces. People who do not attend the parade mostly watch the live coverage at their homes. Independence Day parade includes the military units, special units, marching bands. The independence parade carries out in different countries and it reflects the military strength of the country.


Different festivals are arranged across the countries in streets in corporation with various organizations. These festivals have fireworks, rallies, delicious food, national songs and functions. People from different cities come together on the streets at some areas to show their patriotism. People remain on the roads and streets for celebration from night to throughout the next day. Various organizations organize different concerts and festivals for their people. There are various charges or entry fees to attend these concerts as it depends on the services of the festivals.

Read Independence Declaration:

Most of the people prefer to read independence declaration so that their children must learn it. However, many families prefer to watch movies regarding the freedom fight on their independent day to remind about the sacrifices and lives that people gave in order to protect their country as well as people.

Dressing up patriotically:

Most of the people, on their independent day, dress up in accordance with the color and design of their flags. This makes them feel as a proud nation of an independent state. Along with that, they paint the design of their flags on their cheeks and put on flag pins on their clothes.

Enjoying and partying:

It is an off day on the independent day so people use to go for picnics and parties with their family and friends to enjoy and celebrate their independence day.


Many people play different games on their independence day. People go out for picnics and outings on this particular day along with their family and friends and enjoy Barbeque with their sports.

Other activities:

On the Independence Day, the cities gloom with festivities and fireworks over the sky. The firework goes on at different places throughout the night. People make cards, flag pins, billboards and glowing star lamps to show their love for their country.

People across the world show their solidarity and strength on their Independence Day celebration. The Independence Day celebration differs from country to country because of their culture, religion and norms.

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