Health & Fitness

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Coronavirus epidemic

As all of us are well aware of the current situation of the whole world due to the outbreak of a virus. This virus primarily originated in Wuhan, China. The virus is now spread in almost more than 196 countries around the world. All super powers and scientists are helpless to control this virus till now, nobody knows how to cure this virus.

It’s a pandemic disease, and it’s spreading like fire all over the world. Last few weeks have shown that even the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people are as likely to contract the virus as anyone else. Governments around the world including well developed countries have locked down all public places like markets, shopping malls, clubs, gyms and worship places or planning to do so.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are named for the spikes that appear from surfaces, resembling a crown or the sun’s corona. They can infect both animals and people, and can cause severe illnesses of the respiratory tract.

What is Coronavirus

Coronaviruses are a family or group of viruses which can cause a common flu to severe respiratory diseases. It can also cause death of a person.

Is Coronavirus different from COVID-19?

Basically Coronaviruses is a family of viruses not a single virus and COVID-19 is one of them. According to the World Health Organization WHO COVID-19 is a newly found Coronavirus which normally starts from flu, fever and pain in the throat but when this virus attacks the respiratory system of a patient it can even cause death.

The most well-known case of a coronavirus epidemic was Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars), which first detected in southern China in 2002, went on to affect 26 countries and resulted in more than 8,000 cases and 774 deaths.

How Coronavirus started?

This disease seems to have originated from Wuhan, a city in China in December 2019. An animal market where many wild animals are traded illegally is hypothesised as the source of this virus. Coronavirus is considered to be transmitted from animals to humans so primarily a group of people who visited that market of live animals was affected by this disease. As this disease is transmitted from person to person so it spreads very fast.

How Coronavirus started

Health authorities in China confirmed that a number of people in Wuhan were initially treated for pneumonia. Investigation is still ongoing about the origin of the virus. The virologists of Wuhan Institute of Virology, who study coronaviruses, say they have evidence the virus is brand new and came from nature.

If you are feeling anxious about COVID-19, consider reaching out to for help.

What are the symptoms of Coronavirus?

Now when we talk about symptoms of Coronavirus we can discuss them day by day

Corona Virus Symptoms

Day 1 to 3 : During the first three days it’s symptoms will be similar to common cold and flu. Patients will feel fever. They will have mild throat pain or in some cases or no throat pain at all. Patients with low immunity systems may have diarrhoea or nausea. They will be able to drink and eat normally during these three days.

Day 4 : On the fourth day patients will feel severe pain in their throats. Voice of patients becomes sore. Body temperature is around 36.5 degree Centigrade. Patients will feel difficulty in drinking and eating. Mild headache and mild diarrhoea are symptoms of day four.

Day 5 : On day five patients will have intense pain in their throats while eating or drinking. Voice will be more sore. They will feel pain and weakness on moving any body part.

Day 6 : Fever is still mild at 37 Centigrade but with dry cough and pain in throat. Feeling of being exhausted and severe nausea is seen in these patients. Occasionally patients feel difficulty in breathing with intense diarrhoea.

Day 7 and 8 : Intensity of fever increases above 38 Centigrade with excessive cough and sputum. Body pain, diarrhoea and headache reaches to worsens. Every breath is difficult and painful with a heavy chest.

How to diagnose Coronavirus?

Initially it can be recognised by its symptoms but for confirmation of coronavirus COVID-19 a blood test is done.

Diagnose coronavirus

There are laboratory tests that can identify the virus that causes COVID-19 in respiratory specimens. State and local public health departments have managed tests. The results of the test are provided in 4 to 6 hours.

How does Coronavirus spread?

Distance in corona virus

It spreads through person to person or things touched by the affected person. The droplets of saliva and mucus of an affected person when directly or indirectly comes in contact with other person viruses are transmitted to him. Even the surface with infected droplets can cause this disease when touched by someone else.

According to Sabra Klein a scientist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health “This is a pattern we have seen with many viral infections of the respiratory tract…. men can have worse outcomes.”

Men are more likely to be affected by this disease as they have a low immune system due to smoking and alcohol.

Why isolation for Coronavirus patients ? 

As this disease spreads from person to person, isolation is the best way to control it. Basically the idea is to completely cut off the contact of a patient with others for 14 days.

Self isolation is only recommended for people who are positive of COVID-19. People are advised to cut themselves off from the world too severely, it will not cure them but it may reduce cases of Covid-19.

Coronavirus spreads through close contact of up to six feet, through droplets in the air from someone breathing, coughing or sneezing, in this case isolation of the patient can help him and others to keep themselves safe from the virus.

What is Social Distancing and Quarantine for Coronavirus?

To avoid or reduce contact between people Social distancing, isolation and Quarantine are adopted and suggested for Coronavirus nowadays. Now what these are and how they would be helpful for coronavirus let’s discuss it.

Social Distancing

Social Distancing is to reduce gatherings or unnecessary contact with people in your daily life. If you are meeting someone you should keep a distance of 1 meter or 3 feet. Lockdown is one of the most important steps taken by governments to keep people safe from coronavirus. Social distancing is helping in increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. The coronavirus is clinically diagnosed after fourteen days so if you are not careful then you will be the victim of it. The coronavirus pandemic is dangerous so keeping yourself away from others is very helpful.

What should we do to maintain a social distance?

  • Stop visiting shopping malls, cinemas, gyms, beaches, bars, clubs and worship places.
  • Cancel your large wedding plans.
  • Postpone your parties and massive gathering events.
  • Do not visit your friends and relatives but meet them through your devices.
  • Avoid visiting the workplace and school but work and study online.


Quarantine is separation of a person or a group of people to avoid spreading a disease. In this case people keep them away from all social activities, they do not go anywhere and do not allow others to visit them. A distance of about 3 feet is kept from their households in quarantine. Quarantine lasts for 14 days, so if you do not see symptoms in yourself or you are not contagious for others you should concern your medical health authorities.

What to do in quarantine for Coronavirus?

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use sanitizer frequently.
  • Avoid sharing your personal stuff like soap, towel, or utensils.
  • Avoid having visitors.
  • Believe in staying home and staying safe.

What about Vaccine and Precautions about Coronavirus COVID-19?

There is no vaccine for this virus till now. But scientists are working and studying day and night to find a cure or to make a vaccine for this pandemic disease.

To keep oneself safe from coronavirus COVID-19 there is a list of some precautions suggested by scientists and doctors : 

Preventions in Coronavirus
  • Wear a mask while going outside the house.
  • Wash hands with soap and water or sanitize them.
  • Do not shake hands or avoid all physical contacts.
  • Stay home and try to maintain social distancing and quarantine.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  • Stay informed about disease and instructions of the health authorities of your area.
  • If you feel fever, cough and difficulty in breathing, immediately seek medical advice.
  • Boost up to your immune system.
  • Avoid spitting in public.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid eating raw meat.

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