Building your dream house has been a nightmare in Pakistan. A house that everybody longs for the greater part can transform fantasy into reality just a single time in the course of their life.
This fantasy transforms into a horrible experience when someone gets under the control of an incompetent and non-specialized workforce, bringing about a type of monetary misfortune or, more, all psychological pressure.
You can blame no one else in these circumstances, but the person who doesn’t have enough knowledge or meticulousness that fetches him at this stage.
Loopholes in construction industry
In this article, you will find a breakthrough in development consultants to guide groups of people on the most common way to build a dream home in Pakistan.
In a market like Pakistan, 80% of the construction industry is in the hands of unskilled and unprofessional project workers. Because of the limitations of financial planning and cost reserve funds, the total population is leaning towards this manpower for the additional rental framework.
In this scenario, building a house characterizes no guide and the proprietor or customer doesn’t have an estimate regarding surmised end cost.
In addition, the workforce plays an important role in the house’s construction; the workmanship works in collaboration. In the hired framework worker, no group is accessible to inspect the work at any stage, after which the entire burden of supervision falls on the shoulders of the client or the owner himself.
What reasons make house building a nightmare
Let’s have a concise gander at unfamiliar elements that make building a house into a nightmare:
- Inadequacy of fine exploration prior to beginning the procedures.
- Beginning the work without making an appropriate guide.
- Thinking twice about the material for saving the expenses.
- Thinking twice about work and project workers to save the expenses.
- Absence of self-management.
- Amateurish collaboration and workmanship.
- Improper practices with work and project workers.
- Monetary imperatives.
- Inappropriate administrative work and arrangements.
- Non appropriate safety measures.

House building rates in Pakistan
1) All work and administrations included 700/per Sqft.
2) Structure 1250 to 1350 for every Sqft
3) Gray Work 1600 to 1850 for every Sqft
Business Gray work 1700 to 2000 for every Sqft Storm cellar 2500 to 2800
4) Finished rates with various bundles per Sqft of the turnkey premise.

House Construction Cost In Pakistan
Meanwhile, the home building includes the composite expenditures of grey structure, erecting walls, roof/ceiling work, plastering, and flooring.
However, finishing costs include false ceiling, fixing tiles, woodwork, exterior/interior finishing, and paint.
Gray Structure Cost (per sq ft)
Simultaneously, the per square feet cost of the gray structure is Rs. 1250 to 1350 & 1350 to 1850 per square foot. The variation is because of the type of structure you want to build. The simple structure will cost Rs. 1350 per square foot, whereas detailed structures with arches and extra beams will cost Rs. 1800 per square foot.
Finishing Cost (per sq ft)
Per square feet cost of finishing is Rs. 2600 to 3000. The variation is because of the type of finishing you chose for your home. Normal finishes will cost Rs. 2600 per square foot, whereas expensive or imported finishes will cost Rs. 2500 to 3000 per square foot.
Total House Building Cost
The total construction cost to build a house is between 2500 PKR to 4000 PKR per square foot. The expenditures are more likely to depend on the grey structure and finishes on which you want to build your house.
House building costs according to the different qualities of construction (C,B,A & A+):
“C” Class house construction cost:
Gray structure cost for C class construction = PKR 1,350 / square foot
Finishing cost for C class construction = PKR 1550 / square foot
“C” Class construction cost in Pakistan for different house sizes
1 Kanal House C CLASS Construction Cost in Pakistan = Rs. 1.15LAKH
C Class Construction Cost for 10 Marla House in Pakistan = Rs. 8,500,000/- Or 85 LAKH
8 Marla House C Class Construction Cost in Pakistan = Rs. 65 LAKH
“B” Class house construction cost:
Gray structure cost for B class construction = PKR 1,500 / square foot
B class construction finishing cost for = PKR 1,500 / square foot
Total cost of B class construction = Rs. 3,000 per square foot
B Class construction cost in Pakistan for different house sizes:
B Class construction cost forb 1 Kanal House in Pakistan = Rs. 1,35,00,000/- OR 135 LAKH
B Class Construction Cost for10 Marla House in Pakistan = Rs. 90 LAKH
B Class Construction Cost for 8 Marla House in Pakistan = Rs. 70 LAKH
B Class Construction Cost 5 Marla House in Pakistan = Rs. 45 LAKH
“A” Class house construction cost:
Gray structure cost for A class construction = PKR 2000 / square foot
Finishing cost for A class construction = PKR 3500/ square foot
Total cost of a class construction = Rs. 3,500 to 4500 per square foot
“A” Class/category construction for various house sizes:
A Class Construction Cost for 1 Kanal House in Pakistan = Rs. 1,57,50,000/- OR 157.5 LAC
10 Marla House A Class Construction Cost in Pakistan = Rs. 9,000,000/- OR 90 LAC
A Class Construction Cost 8 Marla House in Pakistan = Rs. 7,700,000/- OR 77 LAC
5 Marla House A & A+ Class Construction Cost in Pakistan = Rs. 5,800,000/- OR 58 LAC
“A Plus” class house construction cost:
Gray structure cost for A+ class construction = PKR 2500 to 2800/ square foot
Finishing cost for A+ & AA + class construction = PKR 3600 to 4500 per square foot.
Therefore, if you’re planning to build a house, you must gain specific knowledge about construction and building.
Subsequently, when you’ve purchased a plot of your dream house, it’s the right time to collect exact and relevant details regarding home construction.

You may have friends or someone in your family who recently build their homes. Similarly, visiting the sites in neighborhoods where you can find under-construction houses will help you understand the technical and financial issues that you may face while building a house.
A dream house should have an excellent design and structure. It is important to find the best yet affordable architect who can design the right structure and heights according to your needs and comfort.
While, you can also hire someone expert in creating a feasibility report about the cost of an architect, builder, labor, material, and other expenses.
Taking these measures surely helps you to avoid unexpected financial loss and waste of time.