
4 Habits That Can Harm Your Heart


We all know that eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly are important habits for a healthy heart. But did you know that you could still be undermining all your efforts with some surprisingly common bad habits?

“Even small lifestyle changes can make big differences in your heart health if you stick with them,” said Jayne Morgan, MD, cardiologist.

Here are four habits that are unhealthy for your heart. Plus ways you can turn these bad habits into good habits.

Number 1: Sitting too long.

That sitting we do all day—at the desk, in the car, on the couch. It can actually damage your heart. Your body is meant to move and when it doesn’t, it has trouble keeping your fats and sugars at a steady level, which ups your risk of heart disease. And here’s the kicker — regular exercise doesn’t compensate for hours of sitting, so be sure to stand up and move whenever you can.

Number 2: Overreacting.

However, if you freak out, your body goes into “fight or flight” mode and releases a surge of cortisol and epinephrine. These are hormones that weaken your ticker by speeding up your pulse and increasing your blood pressure and blood sugar levels. If you’re always in stress mode, so is your heart. Moreover, the secret is responding to stress more calmly. Learn to meditate, practice deep breathing, or talk to a therapist.

Number 3: Ignoring the snoring.

This can be a sign of sleep apnea. A condition in which you’re actually not breathing during part of your sleep. Your oxygen levels drop and your blood pressure spikes. Chronic apnea can lead to high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, or abnormal heart rhythm. If your partner snores, urge him or her to speak to a doctor. And don’t brush it off if your partner says you snore.

Number 4: Not flossing.

If you don’t floss, bacteria can build up in your teeth and lead to gum disease and inflammation. It triggers inflammation throughout your body, including in your heart. Research shows that not only is coronary artery disease linked to inflammation, but that treating inflammation can improve blood vessel function. So, make it a rule: floss at least once every day.

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