
Importance Of Preserving Memories Through Photography

Importance Of Preserving Memories Through Photography

Preserving memories through photography allows you to look back on your life and recall its most special moments. It’s easy to think you’ll never forget things, but memories have a way of deteriorating over time. Photographs can make things clearer, especially when it comes to small, simple moments that you may have otherwise forgotten.

By 2015, it is expected that over half of all photos taken by Americans will be from smartphones. The rise of the cell phone camera, with accompanying mobile photo apps, has made it easier than ever to capture the magical and mundane parts of life with a simple touch — but how many of those photos actually make it off of the screen and into physical prints?

Amy Straka is a Chicago-area photographer who specializes in narrative wedding photography and family lifestyle portraiture. She photographs 30 weddings and 50 family sessions each year. She believes that so much access to photography has actually led to less long-term memory keeping.

“The ease and accessibility of digital photography has made capturing every moment of our lives easy and almost automatic, but that narrative is lost somewhere in the cloud. There’s something inauthentic about a family gathering around Dad’s mobile phone while he swipes through thousands of images,” she said.

She recommends that her clients take the time to print out their favorite memories, whether they order them from a professional or just print them from their mobile phones.

For printing inspiration, check out the video below from the folks at Canon:

“You live these moments again and again through prints–framed along your stairway, bound neatly in an album, or even piled among ticket stubs and souvenirs in boxes marked year by year,” Straka said. “These moments only become cherished memories when they’re actually cherished.”

So how can you capture, and keep, the most important photo memories in your life – whether they live on your phone or in a digital file from your professional photographer?

Ways of preserving memories

Here are just three ways to keep track of, and display, your favorite photo memories:

1- Canvases.

Turn your photos into works of art by creating your own canvas prints. 

2- Photo printers.

Connect a photo printer to your digital camera and your smartphone wirelessly. There are also apps to help! Then you can simply print the photos you know you will want to keep with the touch of a button. With instant access to a print button, you won’t lose or forget about your favorite photos.

3- Private Cloud albums. 

Be careful when relying on a third-party photo application to store your photos. Also,  don’t rely on your social media streams to keep your memories safe, or any individual computer or tablet. Opt instead for a cloud storage account that can be opened anywhere there is Internet access.

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