
What To Grow From Seeds?


When deciding what to grow, it’s best to think with your belly. What you want to eat is the better question. Seeds are like babies. In the beginning, they require a bit of attention—especially during the first few weeks—and you don’t want to waste your time growing something you won’t eat. Or share. Gardeners are BIG on sharing.

Gardening Techniques

If you’re new to gardening, I’d suggest starting with larger seeds. They’re less temperamental and more forgiving. The squash family is an excellent place to start, as are legumes (beans to you and me.) They’re easy to see, easy to handle, and won’t miss the occasional neglect. Corn is another good selection but you’ll have to plant a group of them. First stiff breeze will flatten your crop if they don’t have “friends” around to support them. Just a word from the wise.

No matter which seed you choose, every seed needs to be kept warm and consistently moist or they won’t sprout. Most labels will warn you to wait until after the threat of frost—and they mean it. To start your seeds indoors, place them by a sunny window, even on top of your refrigerator! Fluorescent light bulbs work wonders, too. Additionally, put the light within 3-6 inches of your plant and they’ll think it’s the sun! If not kept warm, they might take too long to germinate (sprout), and that’s not good. The stronger start, the better the living.

They also like their beds soft and fine. A loose, organic potting mix is the perfect start. You can add peat moss for additional moisture retention, too. When planting in the ground, form a well around each seed. It will help collect water and keep your babies moist and protected. Use a light fertilizer to feed. An excellent organic source is fish emulsion, half-strength, once a week. Seeds love it! (It’s stinky, but they love it.)

Once your seeds sprout, keep a steady eye on them. Don’t let them dry out. Don’t let them get too hot, or too cold. A bit fussy, I know, but if you do, they’ll stress out. At this stage, they remind me of Goldilocks, the little girl who wanted everything “just right.” If you started your seeds indoors, you’ll want to transplant the sprouts to the garden when conditions allow.

As your sprouts grow, do try to remember the water. Like humans, fruits and vegetables are made up mostly of water, so watch your soil. Soaker hoses work well, as do sprinklers, preferably in the a.m. and p.m.

Moisture Tip

Moisture tip: If you stick your finger in the ground, say about 1-2 inches, and you find that it’s dry—add water. If you take a handful of dirt from around your plants and it runs through your fingers like sand—add water. And don’t forget the mulch! Moreover, mulching around the base of each plant will help conserve moisture. But if it’s wet, wet, wet?

Hold off. The plants need time to soak it all in. Oh, and if your plant’s leaves are wilting? They’re already stressed. So let’s not allow it to get that far, shall we?

Happy gardening!

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