The thyroid is one of your body’s most important hormones. It regulates the function of your immune system, metabolism, and brain. That’s why it’s so important to take care of this tiny butterfly-shaped gland. Treating any imbalances at the right time and with the right medications to avoid certain symptoms of thyroid disorders.
The thyroid can become underactive or overactive due to stress or environmental factors. It can be radiation or chemicals in our food supply.
You are not alone if you have been experiencing symptoms of irregular thyroid activities.
Estimated researchers show that 12 million people in the USA go through sort of thyroid problems every year.
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland goes underactive and does not produce enough hormones to function properly. The thyroid plays an important role in regulating metabolism, weight, and how you feel every day.
If left untreated, hypothyroidism can cause serious health problems such as diabetes, infertility, heart disease, and depression.
Second, hyperthyroidism is another common yet serious state of thyroid gland. Which thyroid releases too many hormones than a normal body requires.
Thyroid gland secretes essential hormones that regulate major functions of the body. It controls the metabolic rate and affects almost every organ in our body.
When you have thyroid problems, it can affect your brain, heart, muscles, skin, hair, etc. If you observe some abnormalities regarding thyroid function, it is better to consult a doctor immediately, if left untreated, it can lead to some serious consequences for your health.
You need to know about how thyroid is important for your body’s better functioning. What lifestyle changes will let it work at its best!
What is thyroid gland and what does it do?
Most people have heard of the thyroid gland. While they don’t know what it does or how important it is for their health. The thyroid gland is in your neck and produces hormones that control many bodily functions. It regulates your heart rate, breathing, digestion, moods, energy levels, and weight.
When you think about all of those things going on inside your body. You can think why this might be an important organ and should you learn more about it?
Let’s take a dive to explore how thyroid is important for your body?
Thyroid disorders symptoms
Thyroid problems are common, particularly women are more likely to have thyroid issues in any age group they belong to. Especially if someone cannot manage stress properly.
Most people ignore thyroid symptoms and consider them as a routine illness. There are some particular signs that help you to find out if you have thyroid disorders.
The most common symptom for both men and women is fatigue. If this persists over six weeks, it could be the signs of something wrong with your thyroid gland.
Moreover, putting on or losing weight for no reason, skin discoloration and dryness. Similarly, slow or fast heart rate, hair fall, digestion problems, irregular menstrual periods, and feelings of depression are common indications of low or high thyroid activity.
Signs of hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition that many people are unaware of, yet it’s a common medical condition in the world. An autoimmune disorder, inflammation of the thyroid gland, or even cancer, can cause hypothyroidism. Pregnancy or other hormonal imbalances can also cause it.
The symptoms of hypothyroid disorder are often hard to identify because they mimic so many other conditions and illnesses. The most common signs include fatigue, weight gain, low body temperature, hair loss, and brittle nails.
“You have hypothyroidism” doesn’t sound scary? Because more likely people haven’t imagined they can have such a disease for the rest of their life.
It is pretty curable if diagnosed and treated at early stages. But if you ignore the symptoms and avoid visiting an endocrinologist, it may lead to more chronic illnesses.
Signs of hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland produces more hormones than it should and according to the body’s requirements. This may cause symptoms such as rapid heart rate, quick weight loss, trembling, fatigue and irritability.
If you notice these symptoms in yourself or someone else, seek medical help immediately. Early diagnosis of hyperthyroidism can prevent serious complications that result from untreated disease.
Other symptoms related to hyperthyroid are nervousness, anxiety, muscle weakness and double vision.
Treatment options for thyroid disorders symptoms
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are two conditions that affect thyroid gland and almost overall body function. It happens when thyroid produces less or excess hormones than a certain amount that needs to regulate the system.
The thyroid produces hormones that control metabolism and energy expenditure in your body. It does this by signaling every cell in your body through a hormone called thyroxine (T4).
Hyperthyroidism occurs when your thyroid gland produces too much T4. On the other hand, hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough T4.
If you suspect you have thyroid disorders symptoms, consult with a doctor for diagnosis and treatment options. Treatment options may include drugs such as propylthiouracil (PTU) or methimazole, a beta-blocker for a fast heartbeat.
If it’s suggested that you have to remove thyroid in certain conditions like thyroid cancer or taking radioiodine to treat hyperthyroid, consequently, there are more chances of developing hypothyroidism.
People with hypothyroidism are recommended artificial thyroid hormones.
Thyroxine is known for regulating thyroid hormones based on the body’s needs.
Causes of thyroid disorders
You may not be aware of how common thyroid problems are, but they affect millions of people every year around the world.
Several causes can develop thyroid disorders symptoms, including stress, anxiety, an autoimmune condition, radiotherapy. Moreover, certain medications for hyperthyroid, thyroid gland surgery and chemicals in processed food can also affect the gland.
These elements can disturb thyroid function and lead to produce certain chemicals in the body, resulting in unbalancing thyroid hormones.
Other thyroid disorders that can cause serious health issues
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that results in the decreased production of thyroxine, also known as T4. During this process, the body will attack its own cells creating inflammation and damaging tissues. Which can lead to weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, depression and many other symptoms.
Although there are several types of medications used to treat Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is best to treat with a combination of medication along with dietary changes, such as increasing healthy fats and reducing sugar intake.
Thyroid cancer
Another serious thyroid problem is developing cancer in the thyroid gland. If there is a lump in the neck that doesn’t go away after six weeks and grows rapidly, it can be cancerous.
Other common symptoms of thyroid cancers are pain in the neck, difficulty in swallowing, voice changes or hoarseness. If symptoms persist for weeks, highly recommended visiting the doctor.
Early diagnosis helps in treating successfully.
Thyroid nodules
For some people, thyroid nodules are nothing more than an inconvenience. For others, they can be a sign of something serious, like cancer. Nodules are commonly associated with thyroid, although most nodules are non-cancerous they can cause additional production of thyroxine.
Nodules can be visible in the throat, they may create problems in breathing and swallowing. Cancerous nodules are rare, it is hard to identify whether a thyroid nodule is cancerous or non-cancerous.
There are certain tests and examinations that help to determine the actual form of a nodule. It is important to seek medical help as quickly as possible for diagnosis and treatment.
Graves’ disease
Graves disease is also known as an autoimmune disorder, it stimulates thyroid and causes excess production of thyroid hormones. The main cause of hyperthyroidism is grave diseases.
The thyroid releases hormones that regulate your metabolism, mood, and energy levels. Graves’ disease causes hyperthyroidism, which speeds up your heart rate and makes you feel nervous, or restless. Some symptoms including, fatigue, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, a rapid heartbeat, sensitivity to heat or coldness in extreme cases, weight loss with no change in diet or exercise habits. Furthermore, increased appetite sweating more than usual.
If left untreated, Graves can cause serious complications, including cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and heart failure.
A goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland in your neck. While it may be normal to see a small, painless swelling at the base of your throat. Sometimes these lumps can become large and cause problems. It could even lead to difficulty swallowing or breathing. Goiters are not cancerous but they can still pose risks for you.
Prevention of thyroid problems
Today, everyone faces multiple challenges that cause stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
Moreover eating processed food, a sedentary lifestyle and a constant workload are other major causes of thyroid problems.
Chaotic routines create confusion and make it hard to concentrate. Everything is rushing in front of your eyes at the speed of a bullet train. All this makes you exhausted and an easy hunt for chronic illnesses especially thyroid disorders.
Preventions of thyroid disorders aren’t determined yet, however, there are many ways to keep thyroid diseases away.
Make sure to add organic products to your diet. Avoid processed food, manage stress, stop alcohol and smoking, or use in moderation.
A sedentary lifestyle opens the door for several illnesses. Developing a habit of daily exercise will keep you energetic. It’s proven that exercise reduces stress and depression as well.
Generally, hypothyroidism is treated with artificial hormones, thyroxin, research shows that soy products interfere with the body function of thyroid hormone absorption.
Wrap up
A thyroid problem usually lasts for the rest of your life. It’s essential to take medical treatment as soon as possible. Set alarm for regular medications to update your system with appropriate hormone levels.
Your health provider may suggest thyroid tests after every six months. Examinations help to maintain a particular dosage according to your hormone levels and thyroid disorders symptoms.
Additionally, try to maintain a good diet, healthy lifestyle and learn stress management. This can help not only to control thyroid disorders but may prevent you from chronic illnesses.
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