
The Danger Of The Comfort Zone

The Danger of Comfort Zone

They call it the comfort zone for a reason – it’s that place where you feel safe, secure, and completely at ease with the world around you.

When you escape it, you experience a sense of discomfort – pain, fear, or anxiety – and much too often you retreat back to the area that you’re comfortable in. But that pain, fear, and anxiety is your body’s way of letting you know that you’re experiencing incredibly new, unfamiliar things; and because of it – you’re growing like never before.

But what if the reverse was true? What if we took the whole notion of the comfort zone and flipped it on its head? What if you experienced pain or discomfort not when you pushed yourself further, but when you quit? What if it was so bad that it forced you to keep going? How would this change the way you live your life?

I guarantee it would radically change your behavior. You’d sleep in a lot less, and you exercise a lot more. You’d shop a lot less, and you’d travel a lot more. You’d meet new people, try new things, or perhaps just simply do existing things much, much better. You’d push yourself beyond limits you never even realized you set yourself and you’d achieve things you always dreamt of.

Now, how good does that sound?

What’s ironic about the comfort zone is that it’s probably the most dangerous place you can put yourself. Yet surprisingly enough, only a few people think of it in this way – Olympic athletes, entrepreneurs, and adrenalin junkies to name a few. But those who do, consistently outperform the rest.

We’re not saying you should be outside your comfort zone 100% of the time, but we’re stressing the fact that the comfort zone should be used for the purpose it was intended: rest and recovery. And when you don’t need refueling, put yourself into overdrive and leap outside your boundaries.

So what are you waiting for? Make some magic happen.

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