
Teen Drivers Driving High? Teens Dangerous Trend

Teen Drivers

Nowadays, teen drivers are more likely to be in when stoned than when intoxicated. According to a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). They are also more likely to be a passenger in a car with a wasted driver than a drunk driver. In their phone survey of college freshmen at two universities in Massachusetts. Researchers found that 43.9% of male and 8.7% of female students drove after toking, while 51.2% of men. And 34.8% of women got in a car with a stoned driver. By comparison, of the students surveyed who drank alcohol (65.1%), 12% of male and 2.7% of female students drove after drinking. While 20.7% of males and 11.5% of females said they rode in a car with a driver who drank.


The takeaway? There are several. First, female students are making smarter decisions both about driving while under the influence. And being a passenger with someone else who’s been drinking or baking than their male counterparts. Second, advocacy groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, which are dedicated to reducing the number of drunk drivers on the road, appear to have shifted attitudes about drinking and driving so that college students are nearly four times less likely to drive after drinking than after smoking weed. Third, more work needs to be done to raise awareness about the risks of driving while under any influence as well as the risk of getting in a car with a drunk or stoned driver. As this survey shows, college students consider it to be less dangerous to drive high than drunk.

Recent Study

Not so, says a recent study in the American Journal of Epidemiology that looked at toxicology reports from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System for 1999-2010 and found that the number of drivers killed in car accidents who had cannabinol in their system rose from 4.2% in 1999 to 12.2% in 2010. With more states decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana, that statistic may very well continue to rise.

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