
Let the business of beauty down. Hit the world by your confidence!


Go where you are celebrated, Not tolerated.

If they can’t see the real value of you, it’s time for a new start!


It is a matter of attention grabbing that there are many young women and girls spending a great amount of hard cash to procure good looks. If you negotiate a young school girl, using 67% of beauty products just to enhance her looks and magnetism you will definitely call it nuisance of this century. On the same other edge at a hand, there you found a girl picturesque having all looks just like a chocolate box with so much nervousness and self doubting. What actually you are going to worth a beauty with comparison with accurate self confidence and buoyancy? One thing is supposed to be in the mind of females of today whether she is a school girl, teenager, employ or a woman with responsibilities and i.e.

“Exquisiteness never can be a line of attack for being a triumphant. Bring your success enlighten by griping your goals with poise.”

Stop comparison!

The core of intricacy begins when you start judging yourself against others. A girl standing aside to another girl comparing herself obliterates character values enormously. Why to measure your qualities and flaws along with some other person? Why to fetch so much stress on your nerves? 78% of 21st era people are running in the race just to get attention and admiration from the world.

Mostly women have a sense of envy that quickly turns them into a vicious competition about being the most beautiful among others. And when they meet a woman perceiving her more beautiful than her, they ultimately undergo for “Jealousy.” The verdict or the judgment that “She is so beautiful” end up into “She is such a whore”

  • Foremost clandestine to compare a soul on any scale:

No one in this globe have quality as peas in a pod like you. You just have to explore it out from you and bring in-front of the world. Want to compare with others? Compare your appealing qualities with their flaws. Compare to the ones who do not have your quality. That will enhance your exuberance and release your stress. All it goes to recoup your confidence and retrieve a person better than yesterday with every new morning sunrise.

  • Threatened mania ascends unintentionally:

When you set eyes on something appealing eventually you sink into a trauma of skepticism. Stop misgiving your own values. Set your mind to a hope that your flaw itself a quality of you, making you sole worthy in this world. Coolness never meant to be flawless first. It comes to you when you hit with massive self-belief being imperfect in the human race. Be cool not a chocolate box that provide delight for a short time.

“Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful”

(Sophia Loren)

Learn to love yourself, never ask from others how your image appears, Stop waiting for other’s approval of beauty.

Get your ears off from bullying:

Green-eyed souls are freaking out everywhere today. The only evil arise when nice features come hard to tolerate fluctuating contaminated brain waves. These pity souls conclude their maniac state in the shape of bullying. Sometimes people pursue mistreating others as a source of joyful amusements. None knows a person maybe shoving emotionally in the darks of life just by depressed bullying.

Put your heads up! If they think you are ugly just learn how to manage them with great blush on your face. Dispense with all the “Bullies” coming to you pursuing some lessons:

  1. Avoid being alone. Move to a good environment, Partner up and hangout with good fellows.
  2. Stand up for yourself. Act bored but use humor and guard yourself with a quick ‘Stand in your power comeback’
  3. Be the leader person when it comes to nervousness, responsibilities itself a hard rock against bullying.
  4. Never retaliate when fighting back physically or verbally, will only make the situation worse and harms more.
  5. Be assertive and confident. Respond directly to the bully. But take time to figure-out what to say. Keep it with CALM AND STEADY voice.
  6. Use fogging – respond with neutral or affirmative points that won’t escalate the situation. Try things like “Maybe”. That is your opinion “Whatever.”

Bow to your flaws, volume up your confidence:

A confident person offers worth to all the beings around him. He never gets aggravated when it comes to the point of communication among the people of this globe. The power of self compassion is great. When we actually grateful to ourselves, we become elemental toward goodness rather to be conscious. When we start taking note to out positive qualities, we just not only become happier but also victorious. It makes you to facilitate life smooth and much improved. Even if we see actual weakness, addressing them from a place of self-compassion will help you thrive.

“Once you have accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you”

(Tyrien Lannister)

Do not worry about what people think of you or the way they try to make you feel down. A person should be self assured about every single imperfection and flaw that fabricated soul personality among all. There is no query to grasp your head high on every single imbalance, bestowing at your flaw. Your confidence level should be far above the ground.

“Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life”

(Miguel Angel Ruiz Macias)

Start a bit more self analysis:

Do remember how far you have come to overcome and use your confidence to take control of your happiness.

  • What are “Confident People:

  1. Operates on principles.
  2. Takes responsibility on their shoulders. Bring thoughts, feelings and actions into virtuous results.
  3. Giver, Abundant mindset, Admit mistakes not afraid to show their flaws.
  4. Can laugh at them too. Never talks negative about others.
  5. Risks taker, positive thinker, willing to learn from other people experiences.
  • What makes you “In-secure”:

    1. Too much judgmental, scarcity mindset.
    2. Taker dislikes other people, make excuses for everything.
    3. Worry what others think, blame others, closed minded.
    4. Can’t make decisions. Stay stuck to the same old ways & bad habits.
    5. Seeks validation.

Words to be memorized:

Accomplishments never come without any modifications, transformations and switching to new challenges to face over with your personality.

“Beauty is the opposite of perfection. It is all about confidence, charisma and character.”


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