Reading and research are very important in becoming a good writer. Read as much and as widely as you can. Writing is a talent but good writing is pure art because good writing evokes a certain passion.
You may know the language but to make a meaningful excerpt out of it need guts, skill, and professionalism. It requires so much dedication and hard work but still one can’t decide whether he is a good writer or bad. In this scenario, the definition of good and bad also vary. If an article is praised by someone there is always a chance of dislike from someone else. But there are some techniques that could help in good writing. And here I’ll share all those pretty little techniques that can make someone satisfied of what they do and can bring some potential readers, as well.
Write to tell the world that you’re well read yourself:
Reading and research are very important in becoming a good writer. Read as much and as widely as you can. Try to collect every possible information about your topic whether it be from the library, e-books or any other available source. It will also help in building vocabulary, erasing grammatical mistakes, provides inspiration to your topic and in capturing ideas. In some cases, reading could be as important as actual writing. As you get a hold of the matter you think will be enough to explain your topic make rough sketches, drafts, and brainstorm those ideas.
I’ve been perusing a few distinct books as far back as I passed my optional school, and I’ve experienced a considerable measure of writers with their remarkable and diverse written work styles. I loved some of them while I loathed the others. I feel that the ones who can express their considerations legitimately are the best and most refined scholars in the entire world. In case you’re equipped for communicating your considerations as broadly as you can without contemplating the results, you can surely turn into a decent author. With respect to me, composing is my obsession and writing is my fixation. For every one of those people who is looking for a profession in content composition, they ought to have the capacity to convey their words appropriately.
Write as if it’s the survival kit:
Secondly, never hesitate to write, even at the end if you only have a blank paper to stare at or something that wouldn’t make sense just write.
If you don’t have spare time, make a room in your schedule for at least 15 min writing daily. For a writer, daily writing is a must do a thing. The more you write the more you’ll know how much potential is hidden inside you. Never be afraid of bad writing at the start because it polishes your skills. Good writing is not possible without rewriting. It also happens that sometimes you start writing something and after several times rewriting it changes into something different. Start with the topics you are interested in or those that motivate you or grab your attention.
In short, If you want to be a writer, write. It’s as simple as that.
Write to impress the criticizers:
The third thing that is essential in writing is healthy competition and honest criticism. Although you should be careful of disheartening negativity honest criticism must always be welcome. Try to get your work checked by professionals. Never gets disappointed with the distractions and resistances. In order to be a good writer, you have to be a keen observer.
To have the capacity to compose is something that must be produced in the event that you are confident enough to grow your creative ability. You should know about what you are composing and what message you convey for your perusers. My friends, colleagues and sometimes mere acquaintances regularly request that I finish their assignments as they can’t sit and compose for a considerable length of time as I do.
I generally say yes with a good feeling, since they are uninformed of the way that by one means or another, they are helping me in being surer and expressive to what I love most to do. Additionally, reading has assumed a critical part of what I am today. I for one imagine that perusing and honing is all you have to wind up a decent author. Likewise, I wouldn’t fret accepting feedback, since that is the manner by which we develop. We require somebody to manage us to the correct way and point our mix-ups so we can turn out to be great scholars later on.
Write to the concerned audience:
Words and style matter most. You have to shape your context to your audience choice. I have heard people say we’ll write what we want to write and not what people want to read. This attitude is purely pathetic. Keep your audience alive by writing for them and their interest. Try to adopt a conversational attitude. Add personal opinions. Be concise. Be strong both in start and end. I can’t hold up under the possibility of utilizing slang or short structures when I’m writing. The most imperative thing that makes any essayist great is the manner by which they convey their contemplations; one needs to utilize suitable dialect, in light of the fact that the manner in which you compose tosses an overwhelming impact on your perusers.
Write to tell why you actually wrote:
The author’s purpose to write should be evident throughout the write-up. Writing to entertain or to inform is great since all good writing must be entertaining and informative. But there has to be a deeper purpose. What does the writer want you to think and/or do after you’ve finished the piece? Why would it be meaningful or valuable to read this? Or what solid reason does the reader have to come back to your writing? All of this should be well answered in your writing if you want a secure career in writing.
In short in the beginning every writer has insecurities but it’s up to them how they shape their profile and how they serve their audience. When I began writing, people used to reprimand my work for not being up to the mark. A lot of people bashed me online for picking up topics that may not have impressed them, however, I never surrendered.
I continued perusing distinctive books to figure out what I am prepared to do. This may sound somewhat odd, yet to be a decent essayist, one needs to peruse and perceive how different writers are getting along. Just a couple of writers motivated me, Most of them are a part of canon but I do follow a few contemporary ones. The best way to know your audience response is to get the feedback. Always welcome public opinion which could be nerve-wracking but very crucial for a writer’s growth.