Most people wouldn’t think twice about stepping on an ant, swatting at a mosquito, or throwing rocks at frogs. But the idea of causing an animal to suffer gives us pause. We see many animals as cute and cuddly. But it’s hard to reconcile the idea that they might be able to experience pain and suffering as humans can. Animal rights activists have long held this belief. But many scientists believe that animals lack the necessary neurological pathways in their brains to process pain as humans do.
Do animals feel pain?
We may never know for sure whether animals are as sensitive to pain as humans. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care about them. At a minimum, we need to make sure that animals in research labs need to treat kindly. Not only is it immoral to inflict pain on living creatures. But it also seems cruel to keep them in stressful environments and constantly expose them to frightening stimuli (the standard animal testing procedure).

You might think there’s no harm in eating meat and wearing leather. But how would you feel if animals were used for your benefit all day long and then killed just because they don’t want to die anymore?
What is an animal’s capacity to experience pain?
Many people believe that animals don’t feel pain like humans do. Because they are unable to communicate it verbally, but studies show otherwise. According to research from Greg Gbur, a professor at Brown University who studies animal behavior and cognition, there are many signs in non-human mammals that their brains experience pain similarly to humans.
When an animal has injured itself or is under attack by predators. There is an increase in stress hormones like cortisol that have a negative effect on immune response as well as emotional state. These findings suggest they might not only be able to perceive physical pain but also experience distress.
How can we tell if an animal is in pain?
Not all signs of pain are obvious, which is why it’s important to understand what you can do to help. For example, dogs (like many other animals) will often conceal their pain; they may show subtle signs, such as reduced appetite or unwillingness to jump into a car. But because their species developed alongside humans, they also have developed techniques for communicating that something is wrong with them. Be aware of these body language cues.
A dog that keeps shifting positions or licking its paws might be trying to tell you that it’s in pain and needs assistance. Dogs also tend to hide their pain during grooming and nail-trimming time. So if your dog seems particularly nervous during these tasks (or after them), take note.
The nervous system sense pain
Scientists have long been interested in whether animals experience pain just like humans. In 2014, researchers published a paper describing an experiment with rats. The rats were attached to a device that allowed for controlled delivery of electric shocks to their tails.

Researchers found that when given an opportunity to press a lever and stop shocks, many of them did just that, some pressing up to 180 times in five minutes before they were shocked again. The fact that they were willing to keep on pressing suggests they understood it was worth it to escape discomfort. This experiment showed clearly that rats can feel pain—but do other animals suffer too?
Proving That Horses Suffer
Horses are uniquely painful when they’re hurt, according to a new study in Animal Behavior. The researchers found that horses won’t touch their tails after being hurt. Horses have special structures in their skin called ‘sensitive hair follicles’. When stimulated, causes pain, says Przemyslaw Popik of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland.
The team showed horses a brush and then poked them with it just behind one of their legs. Some horses tried to touch their stinging tail with their mouths; others sought relief by rubbing against a wall or stamping on the spot where they’d been prodded—but those two methods had zero effect on relieving pain. It turns out that only gentle pats from humans made any difference.
Slaughter animals for meat is inhumane
A lot of people, including meat-eaters, cringe at that thought. However, they justify it with phrases like it’s part of life or animals are put on earth to be eaten. This may be true, but as human beings, we have a responsibility to make sure all animals’ lives are worth living.

To prove that animals feel pain just like humans and therefore deserve to live without fear, Merritt Clifton made a study about different kinds of creatures and their emotions for several years. He found out there is no real difference between animal emotions and ours: cows cry when one dies from a heart attack; elephants will remember things for years; even rats love their young so much they would rather die than leave them alone in danger.
Are We Capable of Relieving Their Suffering?
We already know that it’s possible to relieve animals’ suffering in certain situations. Veterinarians have been administering painkillers to injured or sick animals for decades, and medical research on animals led to a number of life-saving procedures—including human anesthesia—that we now use routinely. In fact, there are some laws in place preventing us from using animal testing that don’t consider their comfort level. However, humans are still responsible for 90 percent of animal suffering and deaths worldwide because we raise them to be eaten or used as products.
How Can I Reduce the Chance of Accidentally Hurting My Pet
Cats and dogs are our most loyal companions, but they are not toys. They can be seriously injured or even killed if you do not take proper precautions. To keep your pet safe, follow these tips:
1. Never leave a pet alone in a car or in direct sunlight (heatstroke can occur quickly).
2. Know how to distinguish between healthy playtime and malicious attacks (dogs playing roughly should never be punished by a human, though it may help to redirect them towards appropriate play toys like sticks or balls).
3. If you plan on letting your dog outside when it’s dark, keep an eye on it for any signs of distress such as barking for no reason or scratching at an exit hole in your fence; if so, please call animal control immediately!
Is There Anything We Can Do To Reduce Animal Suffering?
Most people would agree that causing unnecessary pain to animals is morally wrong. But when it comes to understanding if and how much animals can suffer, we humans are still just a bit baffled. There’s no debate that fish, reptiles, and insects do not have feelings; but mammals and birds are another stories. While some scientists believe that these animals also don’t experience suffering as humans do, others claim otherwise.
So what can we learn from animal behavior? Well, maybe nothing—but even if it isn’t certain whether or not they can feel pain like us, there are ways we can still reduce their suffering by reducing the overpopulation of domesticated species like cats and dogs.
While animals and humans may not feel pain in exactly the same way, many experts believe that animals feel pain much like we do. Specifically, Dr. Harry Greene of Cornell University believes that there are analogous mechanisms for feeling pain in both humans and non-human animals. However, most scientists agree that it’s hard to make generalizations about whether or not animals feel pain like humans because every species is different—just as every human is different from another.
As a result, animal experimentation may sometimes be required when considering how much an animal may feel before undertaking a procedure with them or consuming their flesh or eggs; however, one should never underestimate what an animal feels and take care to treat them humanely when possible.