Having a well-organized website is necessary to be an author and live in a digital-first world. The contemporary time has become very much dependent on the internet persona or portfolio. A website helps to build brand recognition and showcases your brand’s image to potential customers. In this article, we’ll look at the basics of an author’s website creation and give tips on how to make the most of it.
What is an Author’s Website?
Author websites are online platforms where published authors, as well as upcoming authors, can interact with their target audience. A website helps you sell books to website visitors, display blurbs and testimonials, and solidify your overall book marketing and author branding.
Author websites are standard for writers at all levels of success. Having an author website puts you on the same playing field as nearly every other published writer in the digital age, whether you’re a bestselling nonfiction author, have a history of self-publishing children’s books, or are about to launch your first book series.
Why is Author’s Website essential?
An Author Website aids in establishing your image by letting the people who visit your site understand who you are and who you represent. Websites provide customers with trustworthy information and help set your business apart from other companies.
Traditional publishers prefer authors with an established presence online since they can do their work of promoting their book much more manageable. For self-published authors, there is no excuse not to make use of having a website for your author. It serves as the foundation for all other marketing initiatives.
When you have a book or article to sell, setting up an author’s website is a vital part of the marketing process. An author website will serve as your primary sales tool and can also be a place where you post information about your writing process, share excerpts from your work, and more.
Key benefits of having an Author Website
Creating an author website is a great way to get your name and work to a larger audience. Here are some of the benefits:
1- Increased Visibility:
An author’s website can help you reach a wider audience. People who learn about your work are more likely to check out your other projects.
2- Improved Branding:
Creating an author website also helps you build a strong brand. This can give you an advantage when seeking new clients or publishing deals.
3- Increased Sales:
Whether you’re selling books, eBooks, or other products, having an author website can help you reach more people. This could lead to increased sales and tremendous overall success for your business.
How to create an Author website?
Here is a simple demonstration of the essential steps of creating your website:
1- Choose right platform
Your author’s website should be hosted on a platform that allows easy updates and management. A popular option is WordPress, which is free and widely used. Other options include Medium or HubSpot.
2- Domain, URLs, and the site name
Unless you are going to publish one book in your entire career. You can focus all your marketing and branding efforts on it. Registering a domain that matches your author’s name rather than the book title is best. You can also choose a domain name that reflects your book’s genre or topic. For example, if you wrote a mystery novel, you can go for mysterybooksite.com. If you’re a romance author, you can choose loveauthorwebsite.com. Well being an author it would be the least difficult task for you to choose a unique, attractive, and interesting domain name.
There are numerous websites where you can register your domain name. GoDaddy, Blushot, HostGator, web.com, and namecheap.com are just a few examples. Otherwise, most hosting providers (such as GoDaddy) and platforms (such as Wix.com or SquareSpace) will allow you to register your domain.
3- Develop a strategy
You can do several things to promote your author’s website: write articles, add social media icons, set up an email list, and more. Plan out your strategy before you build your website to be effective and engaging. You must be aware of all the factors you will be needing to run your website successfully. You can also choose professionals to do this crucial job. We can assure you it is the necessary investment for your career.
4- Website Design & Theme:
Website design is very important. Your design is the outlook of your ideas. You gotta make a good first impression of your website. Choose a theme that reflects your style and personality. Using free or paid software, you can use a template or create your website from scratch.
Moreover, you can always opt for a Theme Customization service. You can check our theme and demo installation services here: WordPress Theme and Demo Installation.
5- Choose a professional template
The first step in making your authors website look professional is to choose a professional template. Many templates are available online, or you can hire a web designer to create one for you. If you select a template, use high-quality graphics and fonts matching your book cover art.
6- Use appropriate graphics and fonts
Next, select the appropriate graphics and fonts for your book cover art and the authors website. Be sure all images are saved in high resolution for your website. Use fonts that are legible and easy to read on computer screens; avoid too many graphics and photos, which can slow down your website’s loading time.
What pages should an Author’s website include?
An author website might be helpful to you even if your book hasn’t become a worldwide bestseller. Here are four pages to think about while creating your author platform for the web:
1- Home page:
An excellent first impression begins with your homepage. Consider teasing information that will lead visitors deeper into your website as a way for potential readers to get to know you better. The homepage should have an easily navigable header that directs visitors to links that allow them to buy your books, access your social media profiles, and so on.
2- About page:
If someone is interested in your work, they might want to discover more about it. In the case of books and other writings, people are interested in the person who writes them. Therefore, the author bio on your website should have its page. Give people more information about you; attempt to keep the content between a one-sentence tagline and a lengthy essay. Although it might not be appropriate, this could be the perfect location to discuss how and why you began writing thrillers, romance novels, children’s books, or other types of writing.
3- Profile Page:
Your author profile page is where you will introduce yourself as the author of your books. Include information about your books, such as title, genre, release date, etc.
4- Book page:
Even if you intend to link to other vendors selling your books from your website, you should still take the time to create a page highlighting your work. Make sections for each piece with book covers, glowing book reviews, and synopses. You can create a separate page to promote your latest book or make it the main focus of a more extensive book page.
5- Contact page:
Give your readers a mechanism to contact you and offer their contact information, such as a general contact form. To add people to your own personal email list, you can decide to include an email sign-up option on this page and throughout the rest of your website. You can keep current and future fans enthusiastic about your work by sending out an email newsletter with personalized content.
How to make your author’s website stand out?
It’s critical to lay the groundwork for an author’s website. However, you’ll also need to stay ahead of the curve. Here are some ideas for making your website stand out:
1- Learn about contemporary web design
Author website design, like any other type of web design, has advanced significantly since the early days of the Internet. Your website should be responsive (or adapt to the screen size of whatever device your visitors are using), have an appealing color scheme, and have inviting fonts, among other things. Even if you intend to use a minimalist template or hire a web designer, look at other author website examples while learning the fundamentals of general web design. Author website design, like any other type of web design, has advanced significantly since the early days of the Internet. Your website should be responsive (or adapt to the screen size of whatever device your visitors are using), and it should be easy to use.
2- Give visitors something unique.
People love giveaways, so offering something special to your users on your site can help you get something in return (such as a user’s contact information for a mailing list, for example). Consider using an interactive pop-up to give people a sneak peek at your new book (or something else) if they sign up for your newsletter. You can also embed the offer on your homepage. Make this initial exchange between you and the user feel authentic to your personality.
3- Keep your social media profiles active.
Building your website is only the beginning; that website should link to various accounts displaying social proof that you’ll interact with your readers. Suppose they sign up for your email list and follow you on social media. In that case, you’ll be able to keep them up to date on the release date of your next book, upcoming events or podcast appearances, and anything related to your professional success.
4- Search engine optimization (SEO)
Using SEO, you can ensure that your website appears in search results. You can make sure your author’s website is not only the best one you could have created but also one that will rank better in search results by incorporating particular keywords and phrases into its metadata and available content. Consult the plethora of web resources available for optimizing search engine results.
How WebfulCreations can help you?
If you still find creating your website a hassle. And want to keep up with all your website requirements. Being an Author can be challenging to waste your time with this strategic work. It would help if you focused on your creativity; you can rely on us with the rest. We provide the best services to cater to all your digital needs. Webfulcreations understands your website requirements and suggests better solutions to any problem your website is facing.
Now that you have a website, the next step is to start promoting and marketing it. But where do you start? This guide provides all the information you need to start with website marketing, including creating your author website, preparing your content, setting up social media accounts, and promoting your site online. By following these simple tips, you can increase traffic to your author’s website and start building a following of loyal readers who will appreciate everything you offer.