You don’t need to have a state-of-the-art gym in your home to get a killer workout. You can achieve the lean, sculpted body you’re yearning for by using a simple Medicine ball. Everyday fitness gear that you probably have lying around your bedroom or basement can be enough for a good workout. The trick to getting trim is knowing how to use the equipment effectively and correctly.
In this blog, I will be showcasing the medicine ball, a great tool for exercising at home. Make sure to choose a medicine ball that’s proper weight. I recommend using an 8-12 pound ball, depending on your level of strength and comfort. Here are five solo moves and one bonus partner move that’ll give you a full-body workout.
The Move: Shovel
What it works:
- Shoulders
- Triceps
- Hamstrings
- Glutes
- Abdominals
How to do it:
- Begin by standing with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width while holding a medicine ball directly overhead.
- As you inhale, hinge at the hips while maintaining a flat back and bending the knees slightly.
- Lower your arms to bring the ball between your legs as if you were about to throw it behind you.
- Contract your abdominals and return to standing with the ball overhead on an exhale.
- Repeat for twelve to fifteen repetitions.
Complete three sets.
Safety tip:
Make sure to maintain a neutral spine the entire time by hinging at the hips; don’t let your spine round.
The Move: Chops
What it works:
- Shoulders
- Triceps
- Biceps
- Obliques
- Glutes
How to do it:
- Begin by standing while holding a medicine ball over your right shoulder.
- As you inhale, pivot your right foot, rotate your right hip inwards, and bend your knees slightly to lower the ball toward your left hip in a chopping motion.
- To return to standing, press off your left foot, pivot the left foot and rotate your left hip inward to bring the ball back to your right shoulder.
- Repeat twelve to fifteen times, and then do your opposite side.
Complete three sets.
Safety tips:
Make sure the spine remains neutral and does not round. Also, your knee should always be in alignment with your ankle.
The Move: Overhead Throw to Squat
It works:
- Shoulder
- Triceps
- Hamstrings
- Glutes
- Calves
- Quadriceps
How to do it:
- Begin by standing with feet shoulder-width apart while holding a medicine ball to your chest.
- Throw the ball straight up overhead as high as you are comfortable with.
- Catch the medicine ball and immediately drop into a squat, either throwing the ball on the ground or touching it down.
- As you return to standing gripping the ball, throw the ball back overhead, catching it to drop back into a squat. Repeat 15 repetitions.
Complete three sets.
Safety tips:
- Throw the medicine ball down with a squat-like motion.
- Do not round at the spine.
- If you are using a ball that bounces and throws the ball to the ground, make sure you catch it on its rebound.
The Move: Medicine Ball-Push Ups
What it works:
- Chest
- Triceps
- Shoulders
- Abdominals
How to do it:
- Begin by getting into a push-up position with one palm on a medicine ball and the other on the floor.
- Ensure your core is taut so that your body is in a plank position with both arms slightly wider than shoulder-width.
- Lower down until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle on your inhale.
- On your exhale, press away, extending both elbows.
- Repeat 6-8 repetitions before switching the ball to your opposite hand.
Complete three sets.
Safety tips:
Keep a long neck to avoid stress on your cervical spine. It may help to focus on a spot 5 inches in front of you on the floor to focus on.
The Move: Medicine Ball Abdominal Twist
What it works:
- Obliques
- Inner Thighs
How to do it:
- Begin by laying on your back with your arms out to the side in a T position.
- Place a medicine ball between your thighs above your knees and raise your legs to the tabletop with shins parallel to the floor and hips and knees at 90-degree angles.
- On an inhale, lower your legs slightly to the right making sure that both shoulders maintain contact with the floor. This will most likely be a small motion.
- Continue to squeeze the medicine ball between your legs to work your inner thighs.
- As you exhale, pull your abdominals in and together to return to the center.
- Lower down to your left on your next inhale and exhale back to the center. Repeat for fifteen repetitions, alternating sides.
Complete three sets.
Safety tips:
Maintain contact between your shoulders and the floor throughout the entire exercise. Keep the shins parallel to the floor throughout the exercise with knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
Bonus Move: Medicine Ball Catch
(Grab a friend to perform this partner exercise!)
What it Works:
- Chest
- Triceps
- Abdominals
- Glutes
- Hamstrings
- Calves
- Quadriceps
How to do it:
Person A:
- Stand with feet slightly wider than hips-width and knees slightly bent.
- Hold the medicine ball to your chest with elbows to the side.
- Throw the medicine ball to your partner by straightening your legs and extending your elbows to complete a chest pass.
Person B:
- As you catch the ball, drop down into a squat and chest pass the ball back to your partner as you return to standing.
- Person A will catch and return the ball in the same manner as person B. Repeat for 20 passes. Complete three sets.
Safety tips:
Use your whole body to throw the ball, beginning by pushing off the ground. Keep a tight core when you catch the ball.
More Workouts:
Exceptional workouts to reduce weight

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