
What is Panic Disorder?

What is Panic Disorder?

Panic disorder is a mental behavior. The sufferer of this disease shows unexpected panic and severe anxiety attacks. It may occur at any point and at any time. Moreover, patients face severe problems in their daily lives even though, they recover in a few minutes. Panic disorder is not as much explained by health consultants. In this article, we will talk about what is panic disorder?

Origin of Panic Disorder

Women holding their heads in stress and anxiety some symptoms and causes of panic disorder
Women are twice as likely to experience panic attacks

This disease does not just limit to any age group or gender or type of activity. It can affect anyone of any age group, gender, or type of lifestyle. It usually begins during youth or early youth but can affect people of any age. This is less common among children and old people. Women are more affected than men. The panic malfunction usually begins during early youth. About half of all people suffering from panic disorders suffer from this disease between the ages of 17 and 24, especially those who suffer from painful experiments. However, studies show that most young people affected for the first time are between 25 and 30 years.

Panic in women is doubled as compared to men, and this is more frequent in people with over -intelligence. Panic disorders can continue for months or years. This also depends on how and when the person goes for treatment. Failure to get adequate treatment causes the situation to worsen to a point that may cause harm to life.

Causes of Disorder

The main factors that may lead to panic disorder include genetic factors, history of smoking, psychological stress, and abuse with children. Other potential causes of anxiety are medical conditions, such as heart disease or hypertension, and drug use.

Panic Disorder: A Genetic Disorder

Families have panic disorders, which suggests that inheritance plays a strong role in the disease. Psychiatric factors, stressful life events, life transfer, and environment often think in a relatively common way. Moreover, physical ailments, major stresses, or certain medicines often cause first attacks. People who carry out excessive responsibilities are more likely to suffer from panic attacks. Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are also more prone to panic malfunction than the general population.

Causes of Panic Disorder: Drug Addiction

Panic Attacks links often to the use of drugs. In one study, 39 % of people used fun with panic disorder. 63 % of the liquor users said that the use of alcohol began before the start of fear. And 59 % of the illegal drug users said that the use of drugs began first

Smoking: Aids in Panic Disorder

Smoking increases the risk of causing panic disorders, especially, if smoking began in early or youthful youth. Hence, it can lead to panic attacks by changing respiratory functions (for example, feeling of shortness of breath), which are a significant feature of panic. It suggests that a person suffering from these difficulties may suffer from panic attacks

Nicotine and Caffeine: Stimulants of Panic Disorder

Nicotine can contribute to panic attacks as a stimulant. It can also cause panic attacks due to nicotine leaving. Combined with other psychological compounds with anti-depressant properties, Nicotine in tobacco smoke can change the mood and have a calm effect. Many medical studies have shown a positive relationship between caffeine use and panic disorders or anxiety effects. People who have panic disorders are more sensitive to caffeine anxiety effects. A high concentration of caffeine stimulates fast breathing and heartbeat. Hence, the factors of panic disorder.

Symptoms of Panic Disorder

 Symptoms of panic disorder include sharp beating, sweating, trembling, difficulty in breathing, apathy or feeling that something is going to be scary, uncontrollable fear, fear of losing control and madness, and fear of dying. According to one study, one out of every 57 is suffers from this disease

Symptoms in Children

Children are different from adolescents and adults in their ability to interpret their experiences.  Children suffer from physical symptoms, including all symptoms as adults face. In addition, children experience academic symptoms such as fear of dying, feelings of self-separation, and feelings of losing control of madness, but they cannot show this high level of fear. Children can only describe physical symptoms. Parents often feel helpless when they see a child in distress.

Panic Attacks

People with panic disorders usually have a series of severe anxiety attacks. The attacks usually last for about ten minutes. They can last more than twenty minutes to an hour. They can be short-term for one to five minutes. The severity and symptoms of panic may vary. In some cases, the attack stops or it might increase in intensity. Sometimes, it seems that the intensity is increasing combined with heavy and sharp breathing patterns.  

Strong Desire to Escape from the Situation

Patients in any incident often have a strong desire to escape the situation that encouraged the attack. Panic attacks are flared up by certain stimuli (such as seeing a rat) or by the experts (for example, a dentist’s clinic). Patients suffering from panic disorders are commonplace at night. Other attacks may appear without a warning.

Sensitivity of Anxiety

People with panic disorders may face a reaction to panic as they make their physical feelings a mistake by understanding the deadly conditions. These physical emotions cause some people to feel as if it has been out of control which can, ultimately, cause panic feelings. Sensitivity of Anxiety is actually what this misunderstanding of feelings is. Studies show that people who get more scores in the anxiety sensitivity survey are five times more likely to diagnose with panic disorders.

Treatment of Panic Disorder

Infographics showing early treatment of panic disorder help a lot
Early intervention and treatment help a lot!

Panic is a serious health problem that can be treated successfully in many cases, though no complete treatment is known. Identifying treatments that cause almost full response can reduce the risk of repatriation. Scientific behavior therapy and panic are selected for a positive self-panic disorder. Numerous studies show that 85 to 90 percent of panic disorders have been treated. Patients are fully recovered from panic attacks within 12 weeks. Pharmaceutical therapy can be used when psychological therapy does not work.

Finding a Proper Way

To cure someone of this disease, it is important to find a proper way to reduce anxiety and decrease the rate of sudden attacks. Hence, regular treatment often helps to improve the quality of life.

Consultation and Medicine

Treatment of panic disease is commonplace. Consultation and medicine help in the treatment and may save a life. Generally, the type of consultation which is used is academic blood therapy. It is effective in more than half of people. The medicines used in the treatment of anxiety include anti-depressants. Up to 30 % of people can return to the disease after closing treatment. About 2.5 % of people affect other people at some point in life.

Proper Treatment: Self-Assisting

The proper treatment of an experienced psychologist can prevent panic attacks or at least reduce their severity and frequency. About 70 to 90 percent of people suffering from panic disorders get relief. Oftentimes, via a book or using a website, patients usually perform the therapy exercises on their own. A systematic analysis of this type of self-assisting trial revealed that websites, books, and other materials based on the treatment of academic behavior can help some people.

Takeaway: Panic Disorder Is Not a Mental Illness

To cope with panic disorder, many people have faced personal relationships, education, and employment problems. Sometimes people suffering from panic disorders hide their condition due to the notorious stains of a mental illness. Symptoms may appear for months or years, then many years can pass with less or without symptoms. In some cases, the symptoms remain at the same level for a long time. However, there is also some evidence that in many people (especially in people who show symptoms at an early age), the symptoms may end in later life.

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