
The Sun: Our Worst Frenemy


Sun-kissed skin is beautiful. But spending hours in the sun to achieve it can pose some serious risks to your health. The truth is: if you get a sunburn, the damage has already been done and it’s impossible to repair

Now don’t go running to a tanning booth- those are not the solution either. These booths emit ultraviolet radiation to tan quickly. It’s these UVA rays that can actually cause skin cancer and premature signs of aging.

So what are you to do if you want a golden tan? One way to go that’s not harmful is to use a self-tanning lotion. But keep in mind that these lotions don’t protect your skin from the sun’s rays, so you’ll still want to use sunscreen when outside.


Make sure to always apply sunscreen half an hour before exposure to the sun, and protect yourself with clothing or stay in the shade. Be especially careful with the midday sun, when it’s the strongest. And eat a varied diet that includes, foods high in antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables since they fight free radicals, which are caused by unprotected sun exposure.

Remember- that golden tan may be beautiful now, but your future self-will thank you for delaying the signs of aging.

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