One look at Jennifer Aniston and you’ll want to be on her exercise plan. I got to meet up with the 45-year-old beauty in Los Angeles and begged her for a few of her secrets. “Celery is a snack, plus you have to workout. I love doing yoga,” said the sought after actress and beauty product spokesperson.
Jennifer works out with guru Mandy Ingber who also helps Kate Beckinsale and Courtney Cox get into movie star shape. She’s also the Hollywood fitness and wellness advisor who helps Helen Hunt, Brooke Shields and scads of others look sexy, empowered and lean.
In her book, “Yogalosophy: 28 Days to the Ultimate Mind-Body Makeover,” she has a unique 28-day plan to help everyone get into dream shape.
Q1: What’s the first thing you tell clients to draw upon when starting a new program?
Mandy: “Patience. Make some time for yourself and have a little patience with your process. Each day in my book has a different intention, playlist, yoga pose, cardio activity. If you don’t feel you can do a lot, choose one thing. That’s why I have the yoga pose of the day. So you can begin to explore. It’s important to have short-term goals. Do manageable bits so you feel that you can have a daily win.
Q2: Let’s say those same 10 or 20 pounds seem glued to your hips for years. What do you do to finally shed the pounds?
Mandy: “Start accepting where you are. Don’t focus on weight loss, but on treating your body the best you can with your choices.”
Q3: What kind of time commitment do we need each day?
Mandy: “The best way to start is to move your body for 30 minutes a day. I love walks. Try eliminating one food from your diet that is a bad habit. Add greens, three liters of water, and a daily green juice. Take some time out to rest, de-stress, and meditate each day. Even 5 to 15 minutes adds up at the end of the week to 30 to 120 minutes!”
Q4: So, how can the rest of us get Jen Aniston’s great arms?
Mandy: You can get your own fabulous arms! In Yoga, the flow part, or vinyasas, work the arms (and the rest of the body). Try Side Plank with Tricep Push-ups.
Side Plank
Begin in plank. Bring the feet together. Move the right hand directly below the face. Rock your body to the side, so that you are balancing on the right hand, and the outside edge of the right foot. The feet are flexed and the underside of the waist is lifting up. So your top hip is lifting up towards the ceiling. Press the bottom hand into the floor, and rebound off of the mat so that you are not dumping into the right shoulder. Keep the right arm straight (but not locked). If you are super flexible to the point of hyperextension, stay aware of not locking the elbow. Slowly bring your body back to the center and balance it out. Repeat on the left side. Five breaths.
Move to Tricep Push-ups (x8) – then pulse (x8) – back to side plank (x2)
From side plank on the left side, slowly move onto the hands and feet with the front side of the body facing upwards, somewhat like tabletop pose. Knees should be bent at roughly 90 degrees, with both feet flat on the floor and palms flat just below the shoulders, with the fingers pointing towards the heels. Hug the elbows in, and lower your upper body in an upside-down push-up. Do 8 repetitions. At the end of 8 reps, pulse for 8, then move back into side plank. Repeat two more sets.
Q5: What is the best way to lose the belly weight?
Mandy: “By changing your diet. Eliminate processed foods, like breads, alcohol. And drink plenty of water.”
Q6: Finally, give us a few of your favorite diet tips.
Mandy: “In general, I am a pescetarian. Having grown up eating macrobiotically, I learned about diet as medicine very early. However, I am much more flexible than I was as a child. Being rigid doesn’t really work for me. I go on and off of dairy, but have not personally eaten meat or poultry in 40 years. About twice a year I clean up my diet and take some time to reset myself. The diets in my book reflect that type of restriction that I need to come back to in order to get myself back on track. I rotate what I do. I am not a big drinker, but eventually I degenerate to coffee and chocolate.”