
Solar System


Our universe is full of incredible things that make you surprise when you take a deep look on these things. When you start to study about how our universe works and the facts about it will make you addict to learn more and believe more in divine power. Everything in universe is for some reason and plays their part to make life possible on earth. For example let’s talk about space and our solar system. The power of science and technology helps us a lot to learn things about our surroundings and our space. Where we live is called Earth and it is a planet. There is others plants and entities present in space those live along side by side with us. Our planet Earth and other planets move around the sun and this is called as Solar System.

Origin of Universe

When you start to talk about the universe the debate will never end and there are thousands of things that we can discuss under this topic. So I am going in short that how this all begins according to science and theory. According to Big Bang Theory, at the start this magnificent and infinite universe was just a hot but infinitely dense point. This was just a few millimeters wide at that point but it was extremely charged as a black hole. It was tiny but full of charged particles. So, according to this theory 13.7 billion years ago from now this tiny singularity exploded and this explosion known as Big Bang. Big Bang was the reason to generate all the important elements for existence, those are time, space, energy and matter. After that there were so many events happens those help to create galaxies, stars, planets, moons and life.

What are Galaxies?

It is not so long ago when we only know about our own galaxy. But in 1920s the magic of science and technology take us to far away in the space and us come to know about others things in this universe. It was 1920; the time when Edwin Hubble proves that the large fuzzy spiral blob of light that we saw in space is actually a whole other galaxy. That is totally separates from our galaxy and named as The Andromeda Galaxy. This theory opens the doors of realization for us that the universe is more vast and infinite then we thought. There are more galaxies present in this universe. There are billions or trillions of galaxies present in this entire universe.

Galaxies are made up of stars, dust particles, gas and dark matters. These all things held together by gravity and form a galaxy. There are different shapes of different galaxies such as irregular and elliptical shape galaxies. There are some galaxies shaped in a spiral form such as our own galaxy. Our galaxy is known as Milky Way Galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy
The Milky Way Galaxy

What is Solar System?

Milky Way galaxy contains about two hundreds billion starts. In Milky Way galaxy there are over 500 known solar systems and our solar system is also one of them. The story of our solar system came into being about 4.5 billion years ago. A cloud of dust particles and interstellar gas collapsed and creates a solar nebula. This solar nebula was a swirling disc of materials that emerged together and form our solar system. Our solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy’s Orion star cluster also known as Orion Spur.

 Orion star cluster of Milky Way Galaxy

Moreover, only 15% of stars in Milky Way galaxy own planetary system and our sun is one of those starts. The definition of solar system is stated as a system consist of sun and celestial bodies moving around the sun, such as planets, their moons, dwarf planets, natural satellites, dust and asteroids. We have eight or formerly 9 planets in our solar system. Our sun is the main object of our solar system. It consists of about 99% of mass of the whole solar system. All other bodies present in our solar system moving around sun due to its gravitational force.

our Solar System
Our Solar System

Our Sun (Heart of Solar System)

There are million or billions of stars are present in entire universe and one present at the center of our solar system called Sun. It plays an essential role for entire solar system and especially for us on planet earth. Our sun is the main character of our solar system and due to its presence our entire solar system is in shape. Our sun was form approximately 4.5 billion years ago. It is located at the Milky Way galaxy’s Orion Star Cluster.

Billion years ago a cloud of gases and dust which is called as Solar Nebula collapsed that cause the birth of our sun. What exactly happened was when Solar Nebula collapsed then all the matter condensed and become a burning ball of gases that is our sun. Our sun plays a part of human heart in our solar system due to multiple reasons such as its magnetic fields, fiery nature and last but not the least its gravitational pull.

Image of Sun
Our Sun

Layers of Sun

Our sun is mainly has six layers or we could also say its regions.

  • The Corona
  • Chromosphere
  • Photosphere
  • Convective zone
  • Radiative zone
  • The Core
Different Layers of Sun
Layers of Sun

Atom Count

Our sun is made up of 91% Hydrogen that works as the fuel of our sun. The second element of our sun’s composition is Helium that is only present 8.9%. There are only 0.1% heavy elements are present in our sun such as carbon and nitrogen. All these elements present into gas like form which is called plasma due to extremely high temperature of sun.

Plasma hurtling around the Sun
Plasma hurtling around the Sun

Thermonuclear Fusion

As shown in the picture above that core is the most inner layer of sun so its temperature is approximately 27 million °F. Due to this extremely high temperature and powerful gravitational force of sun Hydrogen molecules fused together and form Helium. This chemical reaction is called Thermonuclear Fusion. As the result of this reaction, an enormous amount of energy is released in the form of solar wind, radiations, and electricity. The heat and light that we experience on earth that give us, plants and other creatures on earth life is also come from thermonuclear fusion.

Size and Mass

If we talk about the size and mass of our sun it is the most massive and largest entity of our solar system. Its width is equal to the width of 100 earths combine. As the size of sun, we can fit all eights planets inside of the sun about 600 times.

Gravitational Pull of Sun

Due to sun’s size and mass it also contains a massive gravitational power. Because of this gravitational force all the other celestial bodies in solar system stay intact. Due to this gravitational pull all planets and other bodies drawn toward sun. The system of our solar system is present due to this magnificent gravitational pull of sun. This gravitational force holds together all eight planets, their 170 moons combine and uncountable dwarf planets. Without this gravitational pull all these celestial bodies present in space would drift off and there won’t be a solar system.

Sun's gravitational pull

However the sun has massive amount of power and has large size, it will not last forever. According to astronomer in about 6.5 billion years in future the Hydrogen fuel of sun will run out and it start to expand. Due to its expansion it started to swallow first three planets includes mercury, Venus and earth. After that the sun will collapse and become a small start called as white dwarf.

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