
Improve your health with magnesium

improve your health w ith magnesium

Magnesium can be found in the earth, animals, plants, and humans. According to researchers, 50-60% of magnesium is available in bones, and the other 40% is in fluid, soft tissues, and blood. Magnesium is one of the most abundant elements in your body. But you cannot get its recommended amount even if you are eating healthier. Magnesium helps fight against many diseases and gives you a lot of advantages in a single supplement.  Thru proper research, we will discuss further benefits of magnesium and from which sources you can get magnesium.

So, let’s get started on magnesium benefits with proper research.

What are the benefits of magnesium?

Magnesium has some important benefits which are given below.

  • It creates energy by converting food, generates protein from amino acids and helps to reproduce and repair RNA and DNA.
  • It helps you to organize neurotransmitters that send commands to your brain.
  • Magnesium enables you to process sugar in your blood into your muscles and remove lactate, which grows during exercise.
  • Studies show that supplementing magnesium in your diet can improve your exercise performance.
  • A study shows that players who take 200-250 mg per day can experience improvements in their exercise routines and they have fast exercises, cycling, and swimming. They also experience a decrease in stress levels and insulin resistance.
  • Magnesium fights against depression.
  • People under the age of 60-65% who take the lowest magnesium have a greater risk of depression and mental illness.
  • Magnesium also refreshes the mood as an antidepressant drug.
  • Magnesium has benefits for type 2 diabetes.
  • Studies show that, 45-48% of people with type 2 diabetes have a low level of magnesium.

Magnesium has a number of health advantages.

1. Strengthening and preventing osteoporosis

Studies in both men and women have shown a positive correlation between magnesium intake and bone mineral density. Magnesium is necessary for bone formation because of its role in bone turnover and vitamin D potentiation. Bone growth needs the use of calcium. It is also possible that magnesium may have a role in the preservation of muscular health, which is an important strategy for preventing falls and fractures in the elderly. There is some evidence that it is helpful in the treatment of anxiety and depression. Mood-improving effects of magnesium have been shown in studies including and excluding the use of antidepressant medications.

2. There’s a chance it might lower blood pressure

As a result of hypertension, magnesium may help you keep your blood pressure under control. Increased magnesium intake has been linked to a decreased risk of stroke, as well as other cardiovascular benefits.

3. It has the ability to alleviate migraines and headaches

According to the current study, magnesium deficiency may worsen migraines and headaches. There is, however, very little evidence to support the use of supplements to prevent or reduce the severity of symptoms.

4. As a result, it has the potential to help you sleep better

As we grow older, our sleep patterns change, particularly for women. Study results show that magnesium may help reverse these changes in 60-80-year-olds, according to the conclusions of the study. For those of us who aren’t magnesium deficient, magnesium may be a helpful sleep aid since it may assist calm and relax the nervous system.

5. Premenstrual syndrome may be alleviated by it (PMS)

Mood swings and bloating, as well as the stress of cyclical concern and tension, have a significant detrimental impact on the quality of life for many women throughout their reproductive years because of menstrual migraine. In rare cases, magnesium, either alone or in combination with vitamin B6, may help alleviate some of these symptoms.

Magnesium supplements may be an option

If you’ve been told to take a supplement, make sure you choose one with a high concentration of magnesium in the form that’s most likely to help you with your particular problem (see table). The amount and number of pills you’re willing to consume might also have an impact on the product you pick. Magnesium supplement labels are likely to include citrate, oxide, glycinate, and malate as common forms of magnesium.

Here is a brief guide on magnesium forms and applications:

Citrate of magnesium

Constipation, sadness, and anxiety are some of the possible applications of this supplement. Because each capsule contains a smaller amount of magnesium ions, taking a daily dosage may require more than one.

Oxide of magnesium

Heartburn, indigestion, constipation, and migraines are all possible side effects (including pre-menstrual). Because the oxide molecule is tiny and offers more magnesium per dosage, it is useful for people who wish to take a few capsules as possible.

Magnesium chloride is a chemical compound

Indigestion, constipation, and heartburn are indications of use. It is applied topically to alleviate muscular aches and pains.

Lactate of magnesium

Anxiety and stress are among the possible applications of this product. Because it is easier on the digestive system, this is an excellent choice for those who must take higher amounts.

Malate of magnesium

Recommendations for heartburn and exhaustion. It is easier on the stomach and less prone to causing constipation.

Taurate of magnesium

Heart arrhythmia, brain function, and blood sugar control are some of the possible applications.

Mag L-threonate is a form of magnesium

Recommendations for use include depression, memory loss (including age-related),

Sulfate of magnesium (epsom salts)

Constipation, muscular pains, stress alleviation, and relaxation are all possible applications for this bath and foot soak.

Glycinate of magnesium

Heartburn, insomnia, mental quiet and relaxation, and anxiety and sadness are all possible applications.

Orotate of magnesium

Indications for uses are Cardiovascular health, energy maintenance

The vast majority of individuals absorb magnesium supplements well, however, some have nausea and diarrhea as a side effect. Taking the supplement with meals and away from other medications may help reduce the likelihood of negative effects. Currently, there is little data to support the long-term effects of large dosages (more than 400mg), which are more likely to produce gastric distress. If you have any questions, see your primary care physician (PCP) or another qualified healthcare provider.

What are the sources of magnesium?

  • Swish chard, pumpkin, spinach,
  • Dark chocolate and black beans
  • Halibut, almonds, and cashews
  • Mackerel, avocado, and salmon
  • Bottom line

A study shows that 50% of people get less magnesium than recommended.


Age, type 2 diabetes, and digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease place people at greater risk of having low levels of this critical mineral in their bodies. To be safe, you should see your doctor before taking a magnesium supplement. Certain drugs may interact with magnesium or alter magnesium levels.

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