Health & Fitness

How to get rid of kidney stones


How to get rid of kidney stones

Kidney stones are dangerous as a kidney helps in excreting toxins from our body. These stones are crystal like material that are formed in the urinary system due to consumption of minerals that cause these stones or dehydration. The size of stone can be really small or really large. There might be other reasons too and there are plenty of symptoms as well but getting rid of kidney stones sound painful and scary. Going through dialysis or surgeries for getting the stones removed is irksome. Therefore, there are some health tips that help in getting rid of kidney stones.
Following are the well-researched health tips that will help in getting the kidney stone out.

Drinking lemon juice with olive oil

Lemon juice with olive oil is very therapeutic when one is dealing with kidney stones. It helps in urinating which helps in reducing the size of the unwanted kidney stone which eventually drains out. This is one of the best health tips for kidney stones.

Say no to sugar

Sugar has the tendency to stop the body from absorbing minerals like calcium and magnesium that causes the kidney stones. Cut down sugar, sweet syrups and the like from the diet to get rid of the nasty kidney stones that are causing a lot of pain.

Increase water intake

The more the water intake, the lesser the size of kidney stones. One should drink a lot of water in order to get rid of the stones. Juices help too, if they are not sweet. Water which has less minerals work the best. Water intake will boost up the bladder’s function and that will result in urination which will help in getting rid of stone. This is one of the health tips suggested by doctors too.

Apple cider vinegar

The acetic content of apple cider vinegar can help in reducing the kidney stones. It also helps in fastening of the urination. The apple cider vinegar should be drank along water as it can harm the stomach if consumed directly.

Eat kidney beans

This is also among one of the health tips that has been used over years to get rid of kidney stones. Boil kidney beans and eat with apple cider vinegar and the kidney stones will reduce.


Watermelons are good for kidney stones and consist of only potassium salts as all the other salty food has to be avoided when the kidney stones are diagnosed. Eat watermelons or drink watermelon juice. It also helps in keeping a person hydrated which reduces the production of more stones.
Along with these health tips, there should be proper checkups done. A physician or urologist should be concerned before trying any of these health tips to know the severity of the stones and the size. There might be medical conditions that might turn out dangerous for the body if these tips are followed.
The diet should be governed too along with following these tips. Calcium should not be completely eliminated from the diet and food consisting of magnesium should be added. Salty foods and sugary foods are not good for the kidney stones too.

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