
Can a ‘Smart’ Toothbrush Get Your Kids To Brush Better?


Kids love gadgets. Kids don’t generally love brushing their teeth long enough to fully protect them. But what if a gadget could get your kids to brush their teeth right? Smart toothbrush for kids are the perfect addition to your child’s oral hygiene routine. They create a fun and exciting time while brushing their teeth by encouraging games to help them to brush for longer and do a better job.

Beam Smart Toothbrush

Enter Beam Brush. It’s the first-ever “smart” toothbrush, designed to improve brushing habits. The Beam Brush monitors the oral hygiene habits of its user and then reports the data to a corresponding smartphone. There are only three steps you — or your child — have to follow: Brush, sync, and smile.

While you scrub your pearly whites, the Beam Brush tracks whether you are brushing morning or night, and even streams music set to a timer, so you know when you’ve spent enough time brushing. Then, at your convenience, you sync your Beam Brush to your smartphone. (The brush can hold data from up to 49 brushings.) Once synced, detailed charts are generated on the smartphone app. Oh, and when it’s time to change the head of the toothbrush, a new one is sent to you automatically.

Smart Toothbrush

Alex Frommeyer’s Review

Co-founder and CEO of Beam Technologies, Alex Frommeyer, says he’s seen the brush help kids with their engagement in, and awareness of, daily oral care habits. “As we evolve our software to tailor even more of our services, visuals, and rewards for kids,” he says, “we should continue to see these improvements.”

Is a toothbrush that you can track on a phone a good idea? “Kids love being rewarded for something they are doing on a regular basis,” says registered dental hygienist Myriam Cadabal. “It helps that the app is visual, so kids can see on the app how well they are doing with brushing their teeth.”

So, would you go for a smart toothbrush? The brush costs $24.99 and it’s compatible with iPhone and Android devices. If you do, let us know how it works!

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  1. Pingback: 4 Important Reasons to Brush Your Teeth (Beyond a Perfect Smile!) - Fajar Magazine

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